[comp.sources.wanted] fig to pbmplus

fbraab@leuze-owen.de (Fritz B. Raab) (01/22/91)

Hello xworld,
we have here the problem to read in xfig - drawings into WordPerfect.
We use to import f.i. xwd - Files into WP thru xwdtoppm | ppmto....
Unfortunately the Postcript output of xfig is not compatible with
WP 5.1 (because it is not EPS).

Does anyone have a conversion from fig to another file format I could
use to import into WordPerfect ? (fig2dev and transfig do not fit !)

Thank you !
Regards, Fritz

 (-%   Fritz B. Raab                 # email: fbraab@leuze-owen.de          %-)
 (-%   Leuze electronic, Abt. TDV    # voice: +49 7021 573185 fax: 573200   %-)
 (-%   In der Braike 1               # Member of EurOPEN, GUUG              %-)
 (-%   D7311 Owen / Teck W.Germany   #        C A R P E   D I E M  ! !      %-)