[net.music] Paul McCartney

rao (12/31/82)

	I would like to hear peoples views on Paul's latest album
	"Tug of War", and on Paul in general.

mjl (01/05/83)

ROLLING STONE gave McCartney's "Tug of War" five stars (almost unheard of)
and said it was destined to become a classic -- his atonement for selling out
music for pop fame, or something like that.  On the strength of their review
I went out and bought it, thinking it would hearken back to the best of the 
Beatles days.  Overall, I was pretty disappointed with it.  It's a nice little
album, occasionally musically interesting, but cursed with a lot of the same
mindless, commercial, pop-fluff that passes for music these days and that is so
characteristic of McCartney these past few years.

Matt Landau