[comp.sources.wanted] Program to execute an Estelle Specification

jamesp@bilby.cs.uwa.oz.au (James Pinakis) (03/04/91)

The subject line nearly says it all.  Could somebody kindly point me at a
public domain program (which will run on my SPARCstation I) which will
execute Estelle specifications?

Thanks in advance,


James Pinakis
Department of Computer Science,   |  Internet: jamesp@cs.uwa.oz.au
University of Western Australia,  |  FTP:      bison.cs.uwa.oz.au  (
Nedlands WA 6009,                 |  PHONE:    ((+61) 09) 380 2305
AUSTRALIA                         |  FAX:      ((+61) 09) 382 1688