[net.cooks] Yogurt - on the tail end of the discussion

plaskon@hplabsc.UUCP (Dawn Plaskon) (02/09/84)

An excellent method of keeping the batch warm until cultured is
to use a wide mouth thermos.  I have a one quart and a one pint
thermos which I fill and cap.  Allow to sit for three to four 
hours and, voila, yogurt.  

This method has the advantage of allowing the culture to maintain 
its one heat rather than relying on an external source.

plaskon@hplabsc.UUCP (Dawn Plaskon) (02/09/84)

Umm, urr, I missed a spelling error in my checkover.  Please
make "one heat" equal "own heat" in the last sentence.  The
sense does change somewhat.