mather@uicsl.UUCP (02/13/84)
#N:uicsl:3800039:000:914 uicsl!mather Feb 13 12:02:00 1984 I recently joined one of those 'cookbook' clubs that sends you little packets of recipe cards every month for you to file in your 'free-gift card box for joining' box. I do find the recipes tasty, well written, and the plastic coated cards are handy. The box for the remaining card is rather large (by the way, this is the 'My Favorite Recipies' club), and the size of the packets is about 60 cards for $7.95 (actually, 3 packets of 20 come in one envelope per month). I am allowed to return packets I don't want. I did some computing and figured that the total cost (if I stay in it until the box fills up, like the picture shows) will be about $300 !!! That seems a bit much even though the cards are nice. Has anyone ever had experience with these types of clubs? Is this a good deal or am I a total naive fool that is getting himself ripped off? B.C.Mather Le Maitre ...uiucdcs!uicsl!mather