[net.cooks] questions on the Pritikin Diet

msimpson@bbncca.ARPA (Mike Simpson) (02/16/84)

Wed Feb 15 20:15:56 EST 1984

	My roommate and I have recently gone on the Pritikin
Diet.  (It is a high-complex-carbohydrate, high-fiber, low-fat
and low-animal-protein diet).  So far, we have done relatively
well concerning weight loss (about seven pounds in ten days for
	I would like to know if anyone who has been on a similar
regimen has any tips for eating while traveling or otherwise away
from home for irregular periods of time.  Will reciprocate with
several delicious, low-calorie recipes and an open, interested
	Mail to the net, or to me at the address(es) below.
		-- Mike Simpson, BBN
 		   {decvax, ima, linus, wjh12}!bbncca!msimpson
		    msimpson@bbn-unix (arpanet or csnet)
		        -- cheers,
			   Mike Simpson, BBN
			   msimpson@bbn-unix (ARPA)
			   {decvax,linus,wjh12}!bbncca!msimpson (Usenet)
			   617-497-2819 (Ma Bell)