[comp.sources.wanted] Calendar/Diary program "Month" wanted.

jrm@delta.ma.adfa.oz.au (John R Marley) (04/08/91)

A while ago I got the source for a calendar/diary program called "month".  I
trashed the source but now I'd like to compile it again.  Can anyone point me
in the right direction?

(If you think there's something better than month, let me know too! =8^)

		      John Marley (jrm@maadfa.adfa.oz.au)
		  Mathematics Department, University College,
			University of New South Wales,
		       Australian Defence Force Academy
		 Northcott Drive, CANBERRA ACT, Australia 2600

	Phone: +61 6 2688882  Telex: ADFADM AA62030  Fax: +61 6 2688886