[comp.sources.wanted] example of how to use /etc/magic

mbl900@anusf.anu.edu.au (Mathew BM LIM) (04/11/91)

Does anyone have an example of using /etc/magic from within a C program to
figure out the contents of a file? Perhaps a public domain version of file(1)?

Mathew Lim,			| Telephone : +61 6 249 2750
Unix Systems Programmer,	| Fax	    : +61 6 247 3425
ANU Supercomputer Facility,	|
Australian National University,	| ACSnet    : Mathew.BM.Lim@anu.oz
GPO Box 4, Canberra City, ACT,	| Internet  : Mathew.BM.Lim@anu.edu.au
Australia 2601.			|