[net.cooks] Cheesecake in convection

gordon@cae780.UUCP (Brian Gordon) (02/28/84)

[Living sacrifice to assuage the gods of first lines . . .]

While I'm on the subject (of cheesecakes), the best I have had from a
friend's kitchen was made in a convection oven.  The same recipe made in
a conventional oven is still good, but not as good.  Does this either
match or conflict with other people's experience?

FROM:   Brian G. Gordon, CAE Systems
USENET: {ucbvax, ihnp4, decvax!decwrl}!amd70!cae780!gordon 
        {qubix, hplabs}!cae780!gordon 
USNAIL: 1333 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA  94089
AT&T:   (408)745-1440

 From the world of the middle of four-part harmony.