(Michael G. Brown) (04/24/91)
Greetings and salutations. THE PROJECT: I am working on an image processing package, currently running on a SparcStation 1 under SunOS 4.0. The package currently uses X windows as a display medium, but we are trying to make the entire package independent of any operating or graphics system. THE DATA STRUCTURE: Our images are stored in a custom format, which we access through a memory paging system on an individual pixel, or complete row basis. Each pixel can represent either an integer or floating point quantity. THE PROBLEM: We need to have a method for presenting the images as contour maps of various intensity levels. Rather than re-inventing the wheel, I thought someone may have developed the required algorithms in the past. Ifyou have done this, I would greatly appreciate it if you could mail me your code, or any references you used or anything! I do not expect to be able to use the code straight as it comes, but a little modification will be better than starting from scratch. We do require the package to generate fairly smooth contours. If you can help, I would be most appreciative. -- Michael G. Brown | | "And because, in all the Department of Geography | | Galaxy, they had found University of Tasmania | | nothing more precious than GPO Box 252C, Hobart | Live and Direct! | mind, they encouraged its