[comp.sources.wanted] Columns

gottlieb@uunet.UU.NET (Robert Gottlieb) (05/28/91)

Hi all in Netland,

I'm looking for a game, like columns ( a 3d tetris clone), that will
run on a monochrome hercules display.  In particular I'd like
to know of an ftp site that would have it.  If you have it and can
email it to me uuencoded, that would be appreciated too.  
Thanks in advance. 

/*  Robert Allen Gottlieb               Internet: gottlieb@umbc5.umbc.edu */
/*  								Bitnet:   gottlieb@umbc2.umbc.edu */
/* "It is better to be pissed off than pissed on."                        */
/*  These opinions herein are not that of UMBC, but that of Jr, my cat,   */
/*  and me.                                                               */