[net.music] Christmas_Carol_Symphony

tfilm (01/12/83)

RE: Christmas Carol Symphony

On a Christmas Eve over 5 years ago between 12:00 Midnignt and 2:00 A.M.
I listened to what I believe was called "Christmas Carol Symphony"
on 'Night Watch'(?), CBC Radio, Toronto.
My queries to the station were not successful
in identifying either the piece or the composer; however, I have
listened to Leroy Anderson's "Christmas Carol Medley" and am not convinced
that is what I had originally heard.

The music as I remember it had a 4 movement symphonic form with
a pervasive Mendelssohnian modality. Melodically, it contained
most of the traditional Christmas carols.

Can anyone help in identifying this composition, if it does indeed

		M. E. Lindenmeyer (MEL) ihuxp!tfilm