[comp.sources.wanted] Want general program

daniel@island.COM (Dan Smith) (06/17/91)

In <652@elroy> davidk@dsinet (David Karr) writes:

> I could write it myself, but if it already exists, I won't bother.

> I want a program which I can give approximately the following arguments to:

>     1.	A prompt string (like "Enter the document type")
>     2.	A string indicating the list of possible one-letter answers.
>     3.	A string indicating the default if they just press space or return.
> 	(This could be encapsulated in the second argument.)

	I wrote grabchars, which is a package for obtaining one or more
keystrokes directly from the user.  You may get 1.95 from me
or from comp.sources.misc archives worldwide.  I'll include the man


p.s. I'm getting ready to do 2.0, which will handle function/arrow keys,
and also allow for keyboard polling (whether there is a key to read or not),
among other things.

GRABCHARS(1)             USER COMMANDS               GRABCHARS(1)

     grabchars - get keystrokes directly from user

     grabchars [options]

     Grabchars gets characters from the user as  they  are  typed
     in, without having to wait for the return key to be pressed.
     Among other things, this allows shell scripts to be  written
     with highly interactive menus.

     By default, grabchars will obtain one character from  stdin,
     echo  that  character to stdout, and return with a status of
     one; meaning one character read.

     -b   Both stdout and stderr are used for  output.   This  is
          useful  for  setting  a  variable in a shell script and
          echoing a keystroke to the screen at the same time.

     -c<valid characters>
          Only characters in  <valid  characters>  are  accepted.
          Regular  expressions  such  as  [a-z]  may  be  used to
          specify ranges.  All other characters are ignored.

          Default char or string  to  output  if  the  user  hits
          RETURN  or  lets grabchars timeout.  The status that is
          returned is the same as if the user had  typed  in  the
          character  or  string,  so this option may be used with
          the -s (silent) flag.

     -e   Output goes to stderr rather than stdout.

     -f   Flush any previous input.  By default,  grabchars  will
          see  any  characters present in stdin, which allows for
          some typeahead in shell scripts.

     -h   Help/usage screen.

          Sets up a prompt for the user.  See EXAMPLES.

          Sets up a prompt for the user, except it is printed  to
          stderr rather than stdout.

     -r   The RETURN key exits.  Use this with the -n  option  to
          allow  for  variable  numbers of characters to be typed


Sun Release 4.0        Last change: LOCAL                       1

GRABCHARS(1)             USER COMMANDS               GRABCHARS(1)

          Number of characters to read.   By  default,  grabchars
          looks for one character.

     -s   Silent.  Do not output anything. Just return a status.

          Time to allow the user to  respond.   By  default,  the
          user  can  take  as  long  as  he or she wants to.  The
          timeout option allows you to write shell scripts  where
          you  can offer some assistance if it's obvious that the
          user might be stuck.

     -E   Erase/kill processing is done.  You  have  use  of  the
          keys  (usually DELETE and ^U or ^X) that you would nor-
          mally have from  the  shell  for  deleting  characters.
          This  is  useful with the -n option, where many charac-
          ters  are  being  typed  in.   This  code  hasn't  been
          thoroughly tested.

     -L   Map characters to lower case.

     -L   Map characters to upper case.  Note that if -U  and  -L
          are  both  specified  on the command line, the last one
          that occurs will win out.  This is because  it  doesn't
          make sense to try to do both at once.

          gets one keystroke

     grabchars -caeiou
          get one of the vowels

     grabchars -c i
          get the letter 'i'

     grabchars '-penter a letter '
          print the prompt "enter a letter "

     grabchars '-qenter a letter '
          print the prompt ('q' for question) "enter a  letter  "
          through stderr.

     grabchars -n4
          get four characters.

     grabchars -d a
          If the first character typed is a  RETURN,  pretend  it
          was an 'a'.

     grabchars -d gumby
          If the first character typed is a RETURN, pretend  that

Sun Release 4.0        Last change: LOCAL                       2

GRABCHARS(1)             USER COMMANDS               GRABCHARS(1)

          the user typed in "gumby".

     grabchars -r
          The RETURN key will exit grabchars. You would use  this
          with  -n option, so that variable numbers of characters
          may be entered.

     grabchars -n 4 -r -t 10
          Accept up to four characters, or exit  when  RETURN  is
          hit, or exit when 10 seconds have elapsed.

     grabchars -t2
          timeout after two seconds.

     grabchars -d gumby -t2
          If the first character typed is a  RETURN,  or  if  two
          seconds  have  gone  by, pretend that the user typed in

     grabchars -n3 -p 'initials: '
          print a prompt and grab three characters.

     grabchars -c 0123456789 -n2 -t10
          get two numbers with a ten second timeout.

     note that arguments like "-n4" or "-n  4"  are  handled  the
     same way

     csh(1) and sh(1) for syntax of csh and sh  scripts,  respec-
     tively.   See  "The  Unix Csh Field Guide", by Gail and Paul
     Anderson (Prentice Hall), for an excellent tour of  csh  and
     good examples of writing csh scripts.

     Grabchars returns -2 if it times out, or -1 if  it  gives  a
     usage  statement.  Otherwise, it returns the number of char-
     acters successfully read.

     Daniel Smith (daniel@island.com, daniel@world.std.com)

daniel@island.com       Daniel Smith, Island Graphics, (415) 491 0765 x 250(w)
daniel@world.std.com      4000 CivicCenterDrive SanRafael MarinCounty CA 94903
dansmith@well.sf.ca.us      Fax: 491 0402 Disclaimer: Hey, I wrote it, not IG!
falling/yes I'm falling/and she keeps calling/me back again - IJSaF, Beatles