[comp.sources.wanted] VMS Compression

cristy@eplrx7.uucp (John Cristy) (06/26/91)

I am looking for a version of LZW compression that works with the VMS
operating system.  Please Email responses and thanks in advance.

The UUCP Mailer

jeh@cmkrnl.uucp (06/27/91)

This probably would have been better asked in comp.os.vms, 
or vmsnet.sources.d . 

Anyway, Unix 'compress' was long ago ported to VMS.  We distribute it as part
of the DECUS uucp package, since it's necessary if one is to send or receive
compressed news batches via uucp.  True to its Unix origin, it does not 
preserve VMS file attributes.  

DECUS uucp is available on many recent DECUS Symposium tapes.  

The DECUS programs LZCMP and LZDCM will read and generate Unix-compatible 
compressed files, and will also (at your option) preserve VMS file attributes.

	--- Jamie Hanrahan, Kernel Mode Consulting, San Diego CA
Chair, VMS Internals Working Group, U.S. DECUS VAX Systems SIG 
Internet:  jeh@dcs.simpact.com, hanrahan@eisner.decus.org, or jeh@crash.cts.com
Uucp:  ...{crash,scubed,decwrl}!simpact!cmkrnl!jeh