[comp.graphics] Image Processing references summary

kim@amdahl.UUCP (Kim DeVaughn) (11/20/86)

[ "Send lawyers, guns, and money ..." ]

I just found out that the summary of Image Processing references
that I thought I posted to the net earlier this month never made
it out.  I believe this was due to our news s/w getting busted by
all the new news.groups being created at once (I bet Murphy is
really having a ball with "The Great Net Reorganization" :-) )!

Anyway, here's the summary I promised, and thank you for your
patience and support.



First, let me thank everyone who responded to my initial request
for recommendations of Image Processing texts!  Your help was
(and is) appreciated very much.

I've attached the replies I received (slightly edited), along with
my original posting.  Hopefully, others will find these comments

To briefly summarize, the "Standard" in the field seems to be
"Digital Image Processing" by William K. Pratt (Wiley, 1978), with
the two volume set "Digital Picture Processing" by Rosenfeld and Kak
(Academic Press, 1982) a close second.

I found both of these works in stock at the Computer Literacy Bookstore,
here in Sunnyvale.  Pratt's book was about $60, and the R&K set about
$80.  Both appear to be excellent choices, with Pratt being slightly
broader in scope, and R&K seeming to have a little more depth in the
areas covered;  R&K also is a little more recent, and covers a few of
the more recently developed techniques in the field.  Both provide
a solid theoretical grounding in the subject.  [Note: my opinions are
based on 20-30 minutes of perusal, and should be taken only as a "first
impression"; I apologize for any inaccuracies.]

In a more practical vein (i.e., less theoretical), "Algorithms for
Graphics and Image Processing" by Theo Pavildis (Computer Science Press,
1982) was the clear choice.  The title is a bit misleading, as the
book is much more relevant to "Image Processing" than to "Computer
Graphics";  I found it in the Graphics section at Comp. Lit. (about

Pavildis' book has alot of "meat and potatoes" information/examples
that is lacking in Pratt or R&K.  With either Pratt or R&K to provide
the math and theory, *and* Pavildis to provide the "oh, so *that's*
what they mean" treatment, I think one could cover the subject and
start implementing workable code pretty quickly!

Also highly recommended was "Digital Image Processing" by Kenneth R.
Castleman (Prentice-Hall, 1979).  Several people mentioned that this
text is somewhat "introductory" in nature.  I didn't get a chance to
look it over (wasn't at Comp. Lit.), but it might be a good bet if the
sight of integrals on page 2 of a book scares you off :-).

Some replies pointed-out that "image processing" has several sub-areas
of specialization such as "Computer Vision", "Pattern Recognition",
"Fuzzy Systems", etc;  some references are given to these topics also.
For now, I'm making my way thru both Pratt and Pavildis (which should
keep me off the streets for a day or two :-) )!

Again, thanks to all who contributed!


My original posting:

 > Since there isn't any "net.image.processing", I'm posting this in
 > what I think are the most relevant news.groups.
 > There are several "standard reference works" on the subject of
 > Computer Graphics;  seems to me that Foley & van Dam is the one
 > I see cited most often.
 > I'm looking for an equally good text or two that covers the applications
 > side of Image Processing.  In particular, I'm interested in techniques,
 > algorithms, and the theory behind processes like "edge enhancement",
 > "contrast enhancement", "photodensitometric analysis" (whew!), and the
 > the like.
 > Please email me any recommendations, and I'll post a summary to
 > the net.

The replies:


From: sun!pyramid.uucp!wallis (Bob Wallis)

The standard is Digital Image Processing by W.K. Pratt (who runs Vicom
in San Jose). Try -

Stanford Tech Book Store			415-327-3680
Stacey's					415-326-0681

Bob Wallis
(408)-738-8400 x3303


From: pyramid!voder!lewey!evp

I have a copy of "Digital Image Processing" by Kenneth R. Castleman
of C.I.T & J.P.L., Prentice Hall, 1979, ISBN 0-13-212365-7.  It seems
to cover all you want to explore, plus geometric distortions, projections,
convolutions, etc.

			-Ed Post


From: Eugene miya <pyramid!lll-crg!nike!aurora!eugene>

I can think of several.  Also different disciplines tend to have
different image processing requirements: remote sensing, medical
imaging, and so forth.  This is because the different part of the
Electro-magnetic specturm have different characteristics.  We
did subpixel resolution technqiues in the IR region which would
not work in any other, and radar (active microwave) has other

Anyway for references.
Check out Books by Harry Andrews (of USC) some designate him the father of
modern image processing.  In particular, he did an IEEE collection 
which I cannot remember the title of.  Check Computer Literary book store
down your street.  (See your at amdahl).

Ralph Bernstein at IBM Palo Alto has a similar book from the IEEE, very
good collection of papers.  Text is oriented to Remote Sensing.

Ken Castleman (used to work with him so I have a free copy) has
Digital Image Processing, by some author (it's a rather basic book).

--eugene miya
  NASA Ames Research Center


From: pyramid!lll-lcc!Xerox.COM!denber.wbst

There's a number of pretty standard works in this field - the best (in
my opinion) is Digitial Image Processing, by William K. Pratt (Wiley,
1978).  It's quite comprehensive, and the subjects are nicely explained.
Another well-known one with a definite mathematical orientation is
Algorithms for Graphics and Image Processing, by Theo Pavlidis (Comp.
Sci. Press, 1982).  Chris Brown's book, Computer Vision (Dana Ballard &
Christopher Brown - don't have the date & publisher here) addresses the
subject from the point of view of vision (point of view - get it?).

			- Michel


From: sun!sunnyvale!stewart (Dave Stewart)

I've heard of a good introductory primer _Digital_Image_Processing_
(A practical primer) by Gregory A Baxes.  Prentice Hall.

It should be available at the bookstore near Togo's, or at least
at Stacey's PaloAlto.


From: seismo!s1-solaria.arpa!mordor!s1-solaria.arpa!berry

Try Theo Pavildis, "Algorithms for Graphics and Image processing",
Computer Science Press, 1982 ISBN 0-914894-65-X, LC T385.P38

Chapters include Intorduction, Digitization of Gray Scale images,
Processing of GS Images, Segmentation, Projections, Data Structures,
Bilevel pictures, contuor filling, thinning algorithms, curve fitting &
curve displaying, curve fitting with splines, approximnation of curves,
surface fitting and surface displaying, The mathematics of 2-d graphics, 
polygon clipping, math of 3-d graphics, creating 3-d graphic displays.



From: ihnp4!utah-cs!peterson (John W Peterson)

I believe "Digital Picture Processing", by Rosenfeld and Kak, is the standard
text in the field (there may be others, but this one covers most of the
topics you mention)


From: hplabs!cae780!tektronix!tekigm.TEK.COM!dsailor (David Sailor)

  You might take a look at Algorithms for Graphics and Image Processing
  by Theo Pavlidis, Computer Science Press.  It is much heavier into
  Image Processing that Graphics.

  Dave Sailor
  Tektronix Inc.
  I.S.I. Division


From: pyramid!lll-lcc!ihnp4!houxm!genesis!odyssey!jcs

A Good  Book is:
	Algorithms for Graphics  and Image Processing,
	Theo Pavlidis
	Computer Science Press


From: ihnp4!hsi!stevens (Richard Stevens)

The classic is Bill Pratt's book titled (I think) "Digital Image Processing"
(William K. Pratt is the author - my copy is at home so I can't get the
exact title).  This covers almost everything but is a few years old.
Still a classic, however.

A good "example" book is one by Kenneth Castleman, titled something
like "Digital Image Processing".  He's at JPL and Cal Tech, and most
of the examples are from the Voyager program at JPL.  It contains the
best discussion I've ever found on the use of transforms in image
processing.  A more practical book than Pratt's.

Also a very good book with some good examples (and easier to read than
Pratt's) is one by Gonzalez and Wintz.  Not as complete as Pratt's,
but good.  I recall that its title is also "Digital Image Processing".

If you need books on more specific areas (image restoration, for
example) these generic texts contains lots of references.
The classic text on restoration is "Digital Image Restoration"
by Andrews and Hunt.  "Computer Vision" by Ballard and Brown
is another more specific text.

A trip to a good University library and a look under the subject
of Image Processing will yield even more books, some more recent
perhaps (Ernie Hall's book is another generic text).  A lot depends
on exactly what topics you're looking for.  None of the books above
are "complete" and each covers some aspects better than the others
(and unfortunately, Pratt's index is pretty incomplete).

Hope this helps.

	Richard Stevens
	Health Systems International, New Haven, CT
           ihnp4 ! hsi ! stevens


From: beno!rochester!bullwinkle!batcomputer!hsgj (Mr. Barbecue)

Try Gregory Baxes book, "Digital Image Processing", Prentice Hall, I believe.
I found it in our campus store a few years back, showed it to Imaging Tech,
and now they reccomment it to their customers.  It beautifully covers the
BASICS of image processing, contrast enhancement, convolution, and some
others.  Additionally, it covers how to make the hardware.  It does not
cover fourier analysis or quantitative analysis, but as an intro, I don't
think it can be beat.

--ted Inoue


From: Alco Blom <seismo!mcvax!uva!blom>

Digital Image processing : A Practical Primer.
G.A. Baxes
Prentice Hall
reviewed in Byte/july/1985


From: seismo!rochester!bullwinkle!uw-beaver!tikal!wor_mein!lee (Lee Dunbar)

A book that I found useful in image processing is entitled

  "Digital Image Processing",  by K.R. Castleman

Looking at the index, edge enhancement and contrast enhancement are mentioned.

This book is divided into three sections:

	Basic Techniques
	Linear Filtering

		Lee Dunbar	      (206) 392-9180
		Quantum    Medical    Systems,   Inc.
		1065 12th Ave NE,  Issaquah WA  98027



From: seismo!mcvax!crin!tombre (Karl Tombre)

I hope I understand your question right : you want some basic (standard)
references on image processing. Well here are some :

W.K. Pratt : Digital Image Processing - Academic Press

T. Pavlidis : Algorithms for graphics and image processing 

K. Preston, L. Uhr : Multicomputers and image processing - algorithms and

   ... and my personal favorite :

J. Serra : Image Analysis and Mathematical Morphology - Academic Press 1982

--- Karl Tombre @ CRIN (Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy)
UUCP:    ...!mcvax!inria!crin!tombre     EUROKOM: Karl Tombre CRIN
POST:    Karl Tombre, CRIN, B.P. 239, 54506 VANDOEUVRE CEDEX, France
TEL :    (+33)

       "Il n'y a de honte qu'a` n'en point avoir" - Blaise Pascal


From: Ed Hall <amdcad!cae780!tektronix!sdcrdcf!randvax!edhall>

I don't know of anything I'd consider a ``standard reference'',
but the following two-volume set is quite good theoretically:

	Digital Picture Processing (Second Edition)  (C) 1982
	Rosenfeld, Azriel; Kak, Avinash C.
	Academic Press, Inc (Harcort Brace Jovanovich)
	TA1630.R67    ISBN-0-12-597301-0, ISBN-0-12-597302-0

		-Ed Hall


From: Wombat <hplabs!caip!pur-ee!j.cc.purdue.edu!rsk>

Two excellent books:

Pratt, "Digital Image Processing" pub. by Wiley; better as a reference
than a text, but pretty exhaustive.

Rosenfeld & Kak, "Digital Image Processing", 2nd ed. in two volumes,
published by Academic Press.  Kak teaches here, and developed the
material in a course I took; I think it's turned out well.  I do know
that a number of universities are using the book(s).  Covers everything
from photometry to image understanding.

Rich Kulawiec, pucc-j!rsk, rsk@j.cc.purdue.edu, rsk@purdue-asc.arpa


From: hplabs!caip!dunn (Stanley Dunn)

The one I use in class is the book Computer Vision by Ballard & Brown
(Dana Ballard & Chris Brown from Rochester).  We also used this book
when I was at the University of Maryland.

There is always Digital Picture Processing by Rosenfeld & Kak 
(Academic Press) but it is very expensive.


From: Chuck Mosher <pyramid!prls!philabs!mcnc!unc!cm>

Good introduction:  Digital Image Processing
		    Kenneth R. Castleman
		    Prentice-Hall, 1979

Excellent overall reference:  Digital Picture Processing (2 vols)
			      Azriel Rosenfeld & Avinash C. Kak
			      Academic Press, 1982

A Classic of the field:  Digital Image Processing
			 William K. Pratt
			 John Wiley & Sons, 1978
			 (This is hard going if you haven't seen the
			  stuff before!)

A good reference that includes topics in computer vision, as well as
image processing:
		   Computer Vision
		   Dana H. Ballard & Christopher M. Brown
		   Prentice-Hall, 1982

Hope this is helpful.

					Chuck Mosher
					UNC - Chapel Hill


From: sun!pixar.uucp!ph (Paul Heckbert)

Some books on image processing (in refer(1) format).

The bible of the field is:

    %A W. K. Pratt
    %T Digital Image Processing
    %I John Wiley and Sons
    %C New York
    %D 1978

I also recommend the following, which is more readable:

    %A D. E. Pearson
    %T Transmission and Display of Pictorial Information
    %I Pentech Press
    %C London
    %D 1975

And here are some more:

    %A K. R. Castleman
    %T Digital Image Processing
    %I Prentice-Hall
    %C Englewood Cliffs, NJ
    %D 1979

    %A Rafael C. Gonzalez
    %A Paul Wintz
    %T Digital Image Processing
    %I Addison-Wesley
    %C Reading, MA
    %D 1977

    %A Harry C. Andrews
    %T Computer Techniques in Image Processing
    %I Academic Press
    %C New York
    %D 1968

Paul Heckbert
Pixar				415-499-3600
P.O. Box 13719			UUCP: {sun,ucbvax}!pixar!ph
San Rafael, CA 94913		ARPA: ph%pixar.uucp@ucbvax.berkeley.edu


From: lll-lcc!ihnp4!uahcs1!ingr!cole

By far the most useful book that I have used in creating image processing 
software is "Image Processing" by Kenneth Castleman.


From: ihnp4!ucf-cs!miami!emmerson

I have read the following book and found it quite valuable.  It's 
oriented towards satellite imagery but does delve into generic 
mathematical theory and motivation.

    "Digital Processing of Remotely Sensed Images" by Johannes G. Moik.
    Published by NASA (id: NASA SP-431) and sold by the Superintendent of
    Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.

Hope this helps.

Steve Emmerson
Research Associate
Satellite Remote Sensing Group
MAIL:  Univ. of Miami/RSMAS/MPO; 4600 Rickenbacker Cswy.; Miami, FL 33149
BELL:  305/361-4065
UUCP:  ...!{decvax,akgua}!ucf-cs!miami!emmerson


UUCP:  {sun,decwrl,hplabs,pyramid,ihnp4,seismo,oliveb}!amdahl!kim
DDD:   408-746-8462
USPS:  Amdahl Corp.  M/S 249,  1250 E. Arques Av,  Sunnyvale, CA 94086
CIS:   76535,25

[  Any thoughts or opinions which may or may not have been expressed  ]
[  herein are my own.  They are not necessarily those of my employer. ]