[comp.graphics] Animation programs for IBM PC -- do they exist?

john@uwmacc.UUCP (John Jacobsen) (01/07/87)

(* Line eater bait *)

	Are there any programs, commercial or otherwise, that run on the
IBM PC, utilize the EGA, and do basic animation tasks?  The purpose is to
create animated 'comic books' for research on perception in young children.
Any cost, hardware specifics, capability info etc. will be appreciated, and
if I get enough replies I will, of course, summarize for the benefit of all.

John E. Jacobsen
University of Wisconsin -- Madison Academic Computing Center
arpa: john@unix.macc.wisc.edu
 +->  {seismo|harvard|topaz|caip|ll-xn|
 |     allegra|akgua|ucbvax|bellcore|ihnp4}!uwvax!uwmacc!john
 +- Hosts on this line probably have faster delivery time.

[NSA food: terrorist, cryptography, DES, drugs, CIA, secret, decode,]

fehr@milano.UUCP (01/09/87)

In article <850@uwmacc.UUCP>, john@uwmacc.UUCP (John Jacobsen) writes:
> 	Are there any programs, commercial or otherwise, that run on the
> IBM PC, utilize the EGA, and do basic animation tasks?  The purpose is...

i would be interested in any responses to this request, too.
thanks  -john@sw.mcc.com

davidsen@steinmetz.UUCP (01/09/87)

In article <850@uwmacc.UUCP> john@uwmacc.UUCP (John Jacobsen) writes:
>	Are there any programs, commercial or otherwise, that run on the
>IBM PC, utilize the EGA, and do basic animation tasks?  The purpose is to
>create animated 'comic books' for research on perception in young children.
>Any cost, hardware specifics, capability info etc. will be appreciated, and
>if I get enough replies I will, of course, summarize for the benefit of all.

Have you considered using a program like EGApaint to create the parts
and then a QuickBASIC program to do the animation? I got an animated
Christmas card this year, and the ability to go screen=>memory and
memory=>screen is enough to do a *lot* of animation. QB supports the
640x350 resolution in both 16 color and mono modes, and is reasonably
structured (or at least allows reasonable structures).

Disclamer: I am not a heavy BASIC user, I just used QB on an XT to
display fractals on the EGA, which were (obviously) calculated
elsewhere. I may have the only XT in the world with an 3081 and Cray2
for a coprocessor!
bill davidsen			sixhub \
      ihnp4!seismo!rochester!steinmetz ->  crdos1!davidsen
				chinet /
ARPA: davidsen%crdos1.uucp@crd.ge.com (or davidsen@crd.ge.com)

tankus@hsi.UUCP (Ed Tankus) (01/12/87)

> In article <850@uwmacc.UUCP>, john@uwmacc.UUCP (John Jacobsen) writes:
> > 	Are there any programs, commercial or otherwise, that run on the
> > IBM PC, utilize the EGA, and do basic animation tasks?  The purpose is...
> i would be interested in any responses to this request, too.
> thanks  -john@sw.mcc.com

Try Show Partner from Brightbill-Roberts. I believe it is available from a
marketing service, The Marketing Channel, in NYC.


-- Ed.
Net  :  {noao!ihnp4!yale!}!hsi!tankus
Snail:  Health Systems Int'l, 100 Broadway, New Haven, CT 06511
Bell :  (203) 562-2101