gawilson@watdragon.UUCP (01/26/87)
[Hi there!] I am looking for information on simple paint algorithms, i.e., those that start at a certain coordinate, and fill in with a certain colour until a pre-defined border colour is encountered. Something similar to the standard Microsoft-Basic Paint command: PAINT(StartX, StartY, PaintColour, BorderColour) is preferred. If there is a trade-off between minimizing speed and minimizing stack (memory) usage, I'll take minimized speed as memory is more valuable than time (in my case anyway). The simpler the algorithm the better, nothing fancy is required. Please e-mail the information, algorithms, references, etc to me as I do not regularly read this group. Thanks in advance. -- Graham Wilson, 4th Year Computer Science, University of Waterloo gawilson@watdragon.UUCP gawilson%watdragon@waterloo.CSNET gawilson%watdragon%waterloo.csnet@csnet-relay.ARPA Militant Agnostic: I'm not sure, and you're not sure either!