[comp.graphics] COLORS IN X

dman@ur-tut.UUCP (03/13/87)

Well, I got several responces to my question about color allocation in x and
I thank all of you.  I think I understand about the planes now.  As it turns
I was using the routines correctly but the XLine routine was not showing it's
results immediatly.  Ken Yap stopped by (he may not be god but he has a habit
of appearing out of no where) and looked at my code and told me that X does
not always show the output right away and to make sure I should call XFlush...
This solved my problem. The XLine showed up. Thanks Ken.

	Dave Tilley

dman@ur-tut.UUCP (03/13/87)

	This is about my previous posting about colors in X