(Arsi Vaziri) (06/18/87)
POSITION AVAILABLE COMPUTER GRAPHICS NASA- AMES RESEARCH CENTER MOFFETT FIELD, CALIFORNIA 94035 The NASA Ames Research Center, located in Mountain View, California, is seeking to identify qualified candidates for a challenging position in computer graphics research and development. The successful candidate will pursue computer graphics and visualization research as part of an integrated team dedicated to development and application of advanced 3D graphics techniques for visualization of scientific results. There is an abundance of scientific investigations at Ames driving state-of-the-art developments in computer graphics and visualization. Opportunities in application of computer graphics to space sciences and aeronautics in the areas of computational physics (substantially fluid dynamics), computational chemistry, experimental sciences, and space biology research are just a few examples. As one of NASA's leading research centers, Ames computer facilities for graphics research include several supercomputers (currently Cray XMP/48, Cray 2, Cyber 205), mainframes and superminis, extensive array of high performance graphics workstations (e. g., Silicon Graphics IRIS), efficient local area networks, and access to major national computer networks. Ames is strategically located in the Silicon Valley providing immeasurable opportunities for interaction with the industrial and academic communities. Qualifications: Advanced degree in mathematics, computer science or related scientific disciplines with heavy emphasis on computer graphics is desired. Substantial experience in development and application of 3D computer graphics to visualization of scientific results and their interpretation. Ability to conduct independent applied research in computer graphics and visualization. Experience in high level programming languages (Fortran and C preferred). Other desirable qualifications include: Experience in a scientific simulation environment employing supercomputers and/or workstations. Experience in analyzing, displaying, and interpreting large amounts of data from simulations and experiments. Familiarity with major computer graphics packages, standards, and practices. To Apply: Please send comprehensive resume, the names of three references, a short statement of research interests, and sample copies of any publications to: Advanced Graphics & Visualization Mail Stop 233-14 NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 94035 (or by electronic mail to: U. S. Citizenship required. An equal opportunity employer.