[net.cooks] lactose-free-ices

dlp@akgua.UUCP (D.L. Philen [Dan]) (04/12/84)

        I found my original article on LactAid.

	  Regarding lactose free (milk or milk products) ices and
       ice creams, you might try adding	"LactAid".  This is a
       commercial product with the main	active ingredient of
       lactase.	 Lactase is an enzyme which will digest	lactose
       when added to milk or milk containing products.	It is
       available from LactAid Inc., 600	Fire Rd., P.O. Box 111,
       Pleasantville, N. J. 08232. It may also be available at some
	  Added	to milk, four to ten drops of LactAid will result
       in lactose breakdown.  This also	has the	added effect of
       making the milk taste somewhat sweeter.	The milk can then
       be used in recipies as usual.  This is indicated	primarily
       for people with lactase insufficiency.  It is not to be used
       by galactosemics, who may not have milk in ANY form.  There
       is also a toll free number 800-257-8650.

	  From the ever	trying kitchen of Chef Dan

		  d. l.	philen

     I sent this by "mail" to the person who requested the info., but
it came back undelivered.  Thus, I am posting it to the net as others
may also be interested.