[comp.graphics] 24bitcolor --> 8bit colormap

gfs@abvax.UUCP (Greg F. Shay) (03/14/88)

Relating to the question of how to choose a 256 entry colormap to best
represent a 24bit full color image, the algorithm to use was published
by Paul Heckbert in the following:

	"Color image quantization for frame buffer display," SIGGRAPH 1982
Proceedings, pp.297-307.

I have this reference through another paper, but do not have a copy of the
paper itself.  I have posted a request for details from anyone who knows of
this.  As soon as I find out, I can post my findings.  For a rough outline of
the algorithm, which is very similiar to clustering algorithms in pattern
recognition I think, see my previous posting.

If anyone has the above paper, I would appreciate perhaps an address to get
a copy.  I will be checking the university library later.

		Greg Shay

	mandrill |
	decvax   |..!abvax!gfs
	pyramid  |

falk@sun.uucp (Ed Falk) (03/26/88)

In article <221@abvax.UUCP>, gfs@abvax.UUCP (Greg F. Shay) writes:
> Relating to the question of how to choose a 256 entry colormap to best
> represent a 24bit full color image, the algorithm to use was published
> by Paul Heckbert in the following:
> 	"Color image quantization for frame buffer display," SIGGRAPH 1982
> Proceedings, pp.297-307.

OK, since everybody else wants to show how they do it, I'll submit
my own work.

This is my implementation of the median cut algorithm.  It does all of
the optimizations suggested by Heckbert in his paper.  It will dither
a 1152x900x24  image in 1.5 minutes.  Floyd-Steinberg dithering is
available as an option.   You can choose the size of your target color-table
to be anything you want.

This should not be too hard to port to other image formats besides the
sun rasterfile format.

I have made a couple of improvements over the original algorithm.  In this
version, the subdivision is always performed based on the largest box
rather than arbitrarily dividing them all down.

Issues:  these are some improvements I've been meaning to make, but haven't
gotten around to it:

Currently, the largest box is chosen based purely on its
volume r*g*b.  This should be biased according to perceptual rules.

	volume = r*.3 + g*.59 + b*.11

this may produce a better image.

Also, gamma-correction should be applied on the output, and inversely on the

Dithering remains a problem.  Dithering only works if you have two values
to dither between.  For instance, if you're dithering a blue field, and you
only have one shade of blue in the color table, and the nearest other color
is white, then a slightly lighter area of blue will produce blue with
undesirable white specs in the middle of it.  We need a method of either
making sure the color table contains reasonable bracketing or of making
sure that the accumulated error in F-S dithering does not go beyond a
certain limit.

Many images look better *without* dithering, try it both ways.

	-ed falk, falk@sun

/* quantize stuff:
 * median [-csize n] [-fsd] [ifile [ofile]]
 * -csize n	- set colortable size.  Default is 256.
 * -fsd		- use Floyd-Steinberg dithering.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pixrect/pixrect_hs.h>

#define	MAX_CMAP_SIZE	256

#define	COLOR_DEPTH	8
#define	MAX_COLOR	256

#define	B_DEPTH		5		/* # bits/pixel to use */
#define	B_LEN		(1<<B_DEPTH)

#define	C_DEPTH		2
#define	C_LEN		(1<<C_DEPTH)	/* # cells/color to use */

typedef	struct colorbox {
	  struct colorbox	*next, *prev ;
	  int			rmin,rmax, gmin,gmax, bmin,bmax ;
	  int			total ;
	} Colorbox ;

typedef struct {
	  int	num_ents ;
	  int	entries[MAX_CMAP_SIZE][2] ;
	} C_cell ;

static	struct rasterfile	rh;
static	colormap_t		colormap, ocmap ;
static	unsigned char		rm[MAX_CMAP_SIZE],
				bm[MAX_CMAP_SIZE] ;
static	int			bytes_per_pixel ;
static	int			num_colors ;

static	int			histogram[B_LEN][B_LEN][B_LEN] ;

static	Colorbox		*freeboxes ;
static	Colorbox		*usedboxes ;
static	Colorbox		*largest_box() ;

static	C_cell			**ColorCells ;

static	char	*usage =
"usage: median [-csize n] [-fsd] [ifile [ofile]]\n" ;

main(argc, argv)
    int argc;
    char **argv;
static	struct rasterfile	outheader ;
	int			i, j ;
	int			dither = 0 ;
	char			*ifile_name = NULL, *ofile_name = NULL ;
	Colorbox		*box_list, *ptr ;

	num_colors = MAX_CMAP_SIZE ;

	  ++argv ;
	  if(strcmp(*argv,"-fsd") == 0)
	    dither = 1 ;

	  else if(strcmp(*argv,"-csize") == 0)
	    if(argc < 2)
	      fprintf(stderr,"-csize requires 2 arguments, %s",usage) ;
	      exit(1) ;
	      argc -= 1 ;
	      num_colors = atoi(*++argv) ;
	      if(num_colors > MAX_CMAP_SIZE)
		fprintf(stderr,"-csize specifies colormap greater than %d\n%s",
			MAX_CMAP_SIZE,usage) ;
		exit(1) ;

	  else if(**argv == '-')
	    fprintf(stderr,"unknown argument '%s'\n%s",*argv,usage) ;
	    exit(1) ;

	  else if(!ifile_name)
	    ifile_name = *argv ;

	  else if(!ofile_name)
	    ofile_name = *argv ;

	    fprintf(stderr, "Too many file names\n%s",usage) ;
	    exit(1) ;

	  if (freopen(ifile_name, "r", stdin) == NULL)
	    fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open input file %s\n%s", ifile_name,usage);

	  if (freopen(ofile_name, "w", stdout) == NULL)
	    fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open output file %s\n%s", ofile_name,usage);

	if (pr_load_header(stdin, &rh) != 0  ||
	    pr_load_colormap(stdin, &rh, &colormap) != 0 )
	  fprintf(stderr,"Error reading rasterfile header.\n");

	switch( rh.ras_depth )
	  case 24: bytes_per_pixel = 3 ; break ;
	  case 32: bytes_per_pixel = 4 ; break ;
	    	"Image is %d bits deep, median only works with 24 or 32\n");
	    exit(1) ;

	 * STEP 1:  create empty boxes

	usedboxes = NULL ;
	box_list = freeboxes =
		(Colorbox *) malloc( num_colors * sizeof(Colorbox) ) ;

	freeboxes[0].next = &freeboxes[1] ;
	freeboxes[0].prev = NULL ;
	for(i=1; i<num_colors-1; ++i)
	  freeboxes[i].next = &freeboxes[i+1] ;
	  freeboxes[i].prev = &freeboxes[i-1] ;
	freeboxes[num_colors-1].next = NULL ;
	freeboxes[num_colors-1].prev = &freeboxes[num_colors-2] ;

	 * STEP 2: get histogram, initialize first box

	ptr = freeboxes ;
	freeboxes = ptr->next ;
	if(freeboxes) freeboxes->prev = NULL ;

	ptr->next = usedboxes ;
	usedboxes = ptr ;
	if(ptr->next) ptr->next->prev = ptr ;
	get_histogram(ptr) ;

	if( fseek(stdin, 0L, 0) != 0)
	  fprintf(stderr, "median: input must be from file\n") ;
	  exit(1) ;

	 * STEP 3: continually subdivide boxes until no more free
	 * boxes remain

	while(freeboxes != NULL)
	  ptr = largest_box() ;
	  splitbox(ptr) ;

	 * STEP 4: assign colors to all boxes

	for(i=0, ptr=usedboxes; i<num_colors; ++i, ptr=ptr->next)
	  assign_color(ptr,&rm[i],&gm[i],&bm[i]) ;

	/* We're done with the boxes now */

	free(box_list) ;
	box_list = freeboxes = usedboxes = NULL ;

	 * STEP 5: scan histogram and map all values to closest color

	/* 5a: create cell list as described in Heckbert[2] */

	  register C_cell	**ptr ;
	  register int		n = C_LEN*C_LEN*C_LEN ;

	  ptr = ColorCells =
		(C_cell **) malloc(C_LEN*C_LEN*C_LEN * sizeof(C_cell *));

	  while( n-- > 0 )
	    *ptr++ = NULL ;

	/* 5b: create mapping from truncated pixel space to color
	   table entries */

	map_colortable() ;

	 * STEP 6: scan image, match input values to table entries

	pr_load_header(stdin, &rh) ;
	pr_load_colormap(stdin, &rh, &colormap) ;
	pr_read_init(&rh) ;

	outheader.ras_magic = RAS_MAGIC ;
	outheader.ras_width = rh.ras_width ;
	outheader.ras_height = rh.ras_height ;
	outheader.ras_depth = COLOR_DEPTH ;
	outheader.ras_length =
		((outheader.ras_width+1) & ~1) * outheader.ras_height ;
	outheader.ras_type = RT_STANDARD ;
	outheader.ras_maptype = RMT_EQUAL_RGB ;
	outheader.ras_maplength = num_colors*3 ;

	ocmap.type = RMT_EQUAL_RGB ;
	ocmap.length = num_colors ;
	ocmap.map[0] = rm ;
	ocmap.map[1] = gm ;
	ocmap.map[2] = bm ;

	pr_dump_header(stdout, &outheader, &ocmap) ;

	  quant_fsdither() ;
	  quant() ;

	fclose(stdout) ;

register Colorbox	*box ;
	unsigned char	*inline ;
register unsigned char	*inptr ;
	int		i ;
register int		j ;

	pr_read_init(&rh) ;

	inline = (unsigned char *) alloca( rh.ras_width * bytes_per_pixel ) ;

	box->rmin = box->gmin = box->bmin = 999 ;
	box->rmax = box->gmax = box->bmax = -1 ;
	box->total = rh.ras_height*rh.ras_width ;

	  register int *ptr = &histogram[0][0][0] ;
	  for(i=B_LEN*B_LEN*B_LEN; --i >= 0;)
	    *ptr++ = 0 ;

	for(i=rh.ras_height; --i >= 0;)
	  pr_get_bytes(stdin, &rh, rh.ras_width * bytes_per_pixel, inline) ;
	  inptr = inline ;
	  for(j=rh.ras_width; --j >= 0;)
	    register int	red,green,blue ;

	    if(rh.ras_depth == 32)
	      ++inptr ;
	    blue = *inptr++ ;
	    green = *inptr++ ;
	    red = *inptr++ ;

	    if (rh.ras_maplength > 0)
	      red = *(colormap.map[0]+red) ;
	      green = *(colormap.map[1]+green) ;
	      blue = *(colormap.map[2]+blue) ;

	    red >>= (COLOR_DEPTH-B_DEPTH) ;
	    green >>= (COLOR_DEPTH-B_DEPTH) ;
	    blue >>= (COLOR_DEPTH-B_DEPTH) ;

	    if(red < box->rmin) box->rmin = red ;
	    if(red > box->rmax) box->rmax = red ;
	    if(green < box->gmin) box->gmin = green ;
	    if(green > box->gmax) box->gmax = green ;
	    if(blue < box->bmin) box->bmin = blue ;
	    if(blue > box->bmax) box->bmax = blue ;

	    ++histogram[red][green][blue] ;

static Colorbox *
register Colorbox	*tmp = usedboxes, *ptr ;
register int 		size = -1 ;

	while(tmp != NULL)
	  if( (tmp->rmax > tmp->rmin  ||
	       tmp->gmax > tmp->gmin  ||
	       tmp->bmax > tmp->bmin)  &&  tmp->total > size )
	    ptr = tmp ;
	    size = tmp->total ;
	  tmp = tmp->next ;
	return(ptr) ;

register Colorbox	*ptr ;
	int		hist2[B_LEN] ;
	int		first, last ;
register Colorbox	*new ;
register int		*iptr, *histp ;
register int		i, j ;
	enum		{RED,GREEN,BLUE} which ;

	 * see which axis is the largest, do a histogram along that
	 * axis.  Split at median point.  Contract both new boxes to
	 * fit points and return

	if( (i = ptr->rmax - ptr->rmin) >= (ptr->gmax - ptr->gmin)  &&
	    i >= (ptr->bmax - ptr->bmin) )
	  which = RED ;
	else if( (ptr->gmax - ptr->gmin) >= (ptr->bmax - ptr->bmin) )
	  which = GREEN ;
	  which = BLUE ;

	/* get histogram along longest axis */
	  register int	ir,ig,ib ;
	    case RED:
	      histp = &hist2[ptr->rmin] ;
	      for(ir = ptr->rmin; ir <= ptr->rmax; ++ir)
		*histp = 0 ;
		for(ig = ptr->gmin; ig <= ptr->gmax; ++ig)
		  iptr = &histogram[ir][ig][ptr->bmin] ;
		  for(ib = ptr->bmin; ib <= ptr->bmax; ++ib)
		    *histp += *iptr ;
		    ++iptr ;
		++histp ;
	      first = ptr->rmin;  last = ptr->rmax ;
	      break ;

	    case GREEN:
	      histp = &hist2[ptr->gmin] ;
	      for(ig = ptr->gmin; ig <= ptr->gmax; ++ig)
		*histp = 0 ;
		for(ir = ptr->rmin; ir <= ptr->rmax; ++ir)
		  iptr = &histogram[ir][ig][ptr->bmin] ;
		  for(ib = ptr->bmin; ib <= ptr->bmax; ++ib)
		    *histp += *iptr ;
		    ++iptr ;
		++histp ;
	      first = ptr->gmin;  last = ptr->gmax ;
	      break ;

	    case BLUE:
	      histp = &hist2[ptr->bmin] ;
	      for(ib = ptr->bmin; ib <= ptr->bmax; ++ib)
		*histp = 0 ;
		for(ir = ptr->rmin; ir <= ptr->rmax; ++ir)
		  iptr = &histogram[ir][ptr->gmin][ib] ;
		  for(ig = ptr->gmin; ig <= ptr->gmax; ++ig)
		    *histp += *iptr ;
		    iptr += B_LEN ;
		++histp ;
	      first = ptr->bmin;  last = ptr->bmax ;
	      break ;

	/* find median point */
	  register int sum, sum2 ;
	  histp = &hist2[first] ;

	  sum2 = ptr->total/2 ;
	  histp = &hist2[first] ;
	  sum = 0 ;
	  for( i=first; i<=last && (sum += *histp++) < sum2; ++i) ;
	  if( i == first ) ++i ;

	/* Create new box, re-allocate points */

	new = freeboxes ;
	freeboxes = new->next ;
	if(freeboxes) freeboxes->prev = NULL ;

	if(usedboxes) usedboxes->prev = new ;
	new->next = usedboxes ;
	usedboxes = new ;

	  register int	sum1,sum2,j ;
	  int		total ;
	  total = ptr->total ;
	  histp = &hist2[first] ;
	  sum1 = 0 ;
	  for( j = first; j < i; ++j)
	    sum1 += *histp++ ;
	  sum2 = 0 ;
	  for( j = i; j <= last; ++j)
	    sum2 += *histp++ ;
#ifdef	DEBUG
	  if( sum1+sum2 != total  ||  sum1 == 0  ||  sum2 == 0 )
	    fprintf(stderr, "??? splitbox: sum1=%d, sum2=%d, total=%d\n",
		sum1,sum2,total) ;
#endif	DEBUG
	  new->total = sum1 ;
	  ptr->total = sum2 ;

	new->rmin = ptr->rmin ;
	new->rmax = ptr->rmax ;
	new->gmin = ptr->gmin ;
	new->gmax = ptr->gmax ;
	new->bmin = ptr->bmin ;
	new->bmax = ptr->bmax ;
	  case RED:
	    new->rmax = i-1 ;
	    ptr->rmin = i ;
	    break ;

	  case GREEN:
	    new->gmax = i-1 ;
	    ptr->gmin = i ;
	  break ;

	  case BLUE:
	    new->bmax = i-1 ;
	    ptr->bmin = i ;
	  break ;
	shrinkbox(new) ;
	shrinkbox(ptr) ;

register Colorbox	*box ;
register int		*histp ;
register int		ir,ig,ib ;

	if(box->rmax > box->rmin)
	  for(ir = box->rmin; ir <= box->rmax; ++ir)
	    for(ig = box->gmin; ig <= box->gmax; ++ig)
	      histp = &histogram[ir][ig][box->bmin] ;
	      for(ib = box->bmin; ib <= box->bmax; ++ib)
		if( *histp++ != 0 )
		  box->rmin = ir ;
		  goto have_rmin ;

	  if(box->rmax > box->rmin)
	    for(ir = box->rmax; ir >= box->rmin; --ir)
	      for(ig = box->gmin; ig <= box->gmax; ++ig)
		histp = &histogram[ir][ig][box->bmin] ;
		for(ib = box->bmin; ib <= box->bmax; ++ib)
		  if( *histp++ != 0 )
		    box->rmax = ir ;
		    goto have_rmax ;

	if( box->gmax > box->gmin )
	  for(ig = box->gmin; ig <= box->gmax; ++ig)
	    for(ir = box->rmin; ir <= box->rmax; ++ir)
	      histp = &histogram[ir][ig][box->bmin] ;
	      for(ib = box->bmin; ib <= box->bmax; ++ib)
		if( *histp++ != 0 )
		  box->gmin = ig ;
		  goto have_gmin ;

	  if( box->gmax > box->gmin )
	    for(ig = box->gmax; ig >= box->gmin; --ig)
	      for(ir = box->rmin; ir <= box->rmax; ++ir)
		histp = &histogram[ir][ig][box->bmin] ;
		for(ib = box->bmin; ib <= box->bmax; ++ib)
		  if( *histp++ != 0 )
		    box->gmax = ig ;
		    goto have_gmax ;

	if( box->bmax > box->bmin )
	  for(ib = box->bmin; ib <= box->bmax; ++ib)
	    for(ir = box->rmin; ir <= box->rmax; ++ir)
	      histp = &histogram[ir][box->gmin][ib] ;
	      for(ig = box->gmin; ig <= box->gmax; ++ig)
		if( *histp != 0 )
		  box->bmin = ib ;
		  goto have_bmin ;
		histp += B_LEN ;

	  if( box->bmax > box->bmin )
	    for(ib = box->bmax; ib >= box->bmin; --ib)
	      for(ir = box->rmin; ir <= box->rmax; ++ir)
		histp = &histogram[ir][box->gmin][ib] ;
		for(ig = box->gmin; ig <= box->gmax; ++ig)
		  if( *histp != 0 )
		    box->bmax = ib ;
		    goto have_bmax ;
		  histp += B_LEN ;
have_bmax: return ;

register Colorbox	*ptr ;
	unsigned char	*rp,*gp,*bp ;
register int		*histp ;
register int		ir,ig,ib ;
register long		red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0 ;

	*rp = ((ptr->rmin + ptr->rmax) << (COLOR_DEPTH - B_DEPTH)) / 2 ;
	*gp = ((ptr->gmin + ptr->gmax) << (COLOR_DEPTH - B_DEPTH)) / 2 ;
	*bp = ((ptr->bmin + ptr->bmax) << (COLOR_DEPTH - B_DEPTH)) / 2 ;

#ifdef	COMMENT
#ifdef	DEBUG
	if( ptr->total <= 0 )
	  fprintf(stderr,"??? assign_color: total = %d\n",ptr->total) ;
	  return ;
#endif	DEBUG

	for( ir = ptr->rmin; ir <= ptr->rmax; ++ir)
	  for( ig = ptr->gmin; ig <= ptr->gmax; ++ig)
	    histp = &histogram[ir][ig][ptr->bmin] ;
	    for( ib = ptr->bmin; ib <= ptr->bmax; ++ib)
	      if( *histp != 0 )
		red += ir * *histp ;
		green += ig * *histp ;
		blue += ib * *histp ;
	      ++histp ;

	*rp = (red << (COLOR_DEPTH - B_DEPTH)) / ptr->total ;
	*gp = (green << (COLOR_DEPTH - B_DEPTH)) / ptr->total ;
	*bp = (blue << (COLOR_DEPTH - B_DEPTH)) / ptr->total ;
#endif	COMMENT

static	C_cell *
	int		red,green,blue ;
register int		ir,ig,ib, i ;
	int		mindist ;
register C_cell		*ptr ;

	ir = red >> (COLOR_DEPTH-C_DEPTH) ;
	ig = green >> (COLOR_DEPTH-C_DEPTH) ;
	ib = blue >> (COLOR_DEPTH-C_DEPTH) ;

	red &= ~1 << (COLOR_DEPTH-C_DEPTH) ;
	green &= ~1 << (COLOR_DEPTH-C_DEPTH) ;
	blue &= ~1 << (COLOR_DEPTH-C_DEPTH) ;

	ptr = (C_cell *) malloc( sizeof(C_cell) ) ;
	*( ColorCells + ir*C_LEN*C_LEN + ig*C_LEN + ib ) = ptr ;

	ptr->num_ents = 0 ;

	/* step 1: find all colors inside this cell, while we're at
		  it, find distance of centermost point to furthest
		  corner */

	mindist = 99999999 ;
	for(i=0; i<num_colors; ++i)
	  if( rm[i]>>(COLOR_DEPTH-C_DEPTH) == ir  &&
	      gm[i]>>(COLOR_DEPTH-C_DEPTH) == ig  &&
	      bm[i]>>(COLOR_DEPTH-C_DEPTH) == ib)
	    register int	tmp, dist ;

	    ptr->entries[ptr->num_ents][0] = i ;
	    ptr->entries[ptr->num_ents][1] = 0 ;
	    ++ptr->num_ents ;

	    tmp = rm[i] - red ;
	    if( tmp < (MAX_COLOR/C_LEN/2) )
	      tmp = MAX_COLOR/C_LEN-1 - tmp ;
	    dist = tmp*tmp ;

	    tmp = gm[i] - green ;
	    if( tmp < (MAX_COLOR/C_LEN/2) )
	      tmp = MAX_COLOR/C_LEN-1 - tmp ;
	    dist += tmp*tmp ;

	    tmp = bm[i] - blue ;
	    if( tmp < (MAX_COLOR/C_LEN/2) )
	      tmp = MAX_COLOR/C_LEN-1 - tmp ;
	    dist += tmp*tmp ;

	    if( dist < mindist )
	      mindist = dist ;

	/* step 3: find all points within that distance to box */

	for( i=0; i<num_colors; ++i )
	  register int	dist, tmp ;

	  if( rm[i] >> (COLOR_DEPTH-C_DEPTH) != ir  ||
	      gm[i] >> (COLOR_DEPTH-C_DEPTH) != ig  ||
	      bm[i] >> (COLOR_DEPTH-C_DEPTH) != ib)
	    dist = 0 ;

	    if( (tmp = red - rm[i]) > 0  ||
		(tmp = rm[i] - (red + MAX_COLOR/C_LEN-1)) > 0 )
	      dist += tmp*tmp ;

	    if( (tmp = green - gm[i]) > 0  ||
		(tmp = gm[i] - (green + MAX_COLOR/C_LEN-1)) > 0 )
	      dist += tmp*tmp ;

	    if( (tmp = blue - bm[i]) > 0  ||
		(tmp = bm[i] - (blue + MAX_COLOR/C_LEN-1)) > 0 )
	      dist += tmp*tmp ;

	    if( dist < mindist )
	      ptr->entries[ptr->num_ents][0] = i ;
	      ptr->entries[ptr->num_ents][1] = dist ;
	      ++ptr->num_ents ;

	/* sort color cells by distance, use cheap exchange sort */
	  register int	n, tmp, i ;
	  int		next_n ;

	  n = ptr->num_ents - 1 ;
	  while( n > 0 )
	    next_n = 0 ;
	    for( i=0; i<n; ++i)
	      if( ptr->entries[i][1] > ptr->entries[i+1][1] )
		tmp = ptr->entries[i][0] ;
		ptr->entries[i][0] = ptr->entries[i+1][0] ;
		ptr->entries[i+1][0] = tmp ;
		tmp = ptr->entries[i][1] ;
		ptr->entries[i][1] = ptr->entries[i+1][1] ;
		ptr->entries[i+1][1] = tmp ;
		next_n = i ;
	    n = next_n ;
	return( ptr ) ;

	int		ir,ig,ib ;
register int		*histp = &histogram[0][0][0] ;
register C_cell		*cell ;

	for(ir = 0; ir < B_LEN; ++ir)
	  for(ig = 0; ig < B_LEN; ++ig)
	    for(ib = 0; ib < B_LEN; ++ib)
	      if( *histp == 0 )
		*histp = -1 ;
		int		i ;
		register int	j, tmp, d2, dist ;

		cell = *( ColorCells + ( ((ir>>(B_DEPTH-C_DEPTH)) << C_DEPTH*2)
		          + ((ig>>(B_DEPTH-C_DEPTH)) << C_DEPTH )
			  + (ib>>(B_DEPTH-C_DEPTH)) ) ) ;
		if(cell == NULL )
		  cell = create_colorcell( ir<<(COLOR_DEPTH-B_DEPTH),
					   ib<<(COLOR_DEPTH-B_DEPTH) ) ;

		dist = 9999999 ;
		for(i = 0;
		    i < cell->num_ents  &&  dist > cell->entries[i][1] ;
		  j = cell->entries[i][0] ;
		  d2 = rm[j] - (ir << (COLOR_DEPTH-B_DEPTH)) ;
		  d2 *= d2 ;
		  tmp = gm[j] - (ig << (COLOR_DEPTH-B_DEPTH)) ;
		  d2 += tmp*tmp ;
		  tmp = bm[j] - (ib << (COLOR_DEPTH-B_DEPTH)) ;
		  d2 += tmp*tmp ;
		  if( d2 < dist )
		    dist = d2 ;
		    *histp = j ;
#ifdef	DEBUG
		if( dist == 9999999 )
		  fprintf(stderr,"??? map_colortable: dist=9999999\n") ;
#endif	DEBUG
	      ++histp ;

 * straight quantization.  Each pixel is mapped to the colors
 * closest to it.  Color values are rounded to the nearest color
 * table entry.

	unsigned char	*outline ;
	unsigned char	*inline ;
register unsigned char	*outptr ;
register unsigned char	*inptr ;
register int		i, j ;

	inline = (unsigned char *) alloca( rh.ras_width * bytes_per_pixel ) ;

	outline = (unsigned char *) alloca( rh.ras_width ) ;

	for(i=0; i < rh.ras_height; ++i)
	  pr_get_bytes(stdin, &rh, rh.ras_width * bytes_per_pixel, inline) ;
	  inptr = inline ;
	  outptr = outline;
	  for(j=0; j < rh.ras_width; ++j)
	    register int	tmp,red,green,blue ;

	    if(rh.ras_depth == 32)
	      ++inptr ;
	    blue = *inptr++ ;
	    green = *inptr++ ;
	    red = *inptr++ ;

	    if (rh.ras_maplength > 0)
	      red = *(colormap.map[0]+red) ;
	      green = *(colormap.map[1]+green) ;
	      blue = *(colormap.map[2]+blue) ;

	    red >>= (COLOR_DEPTH-B_DEPTH) ;
	    green >>= (COLOR_DEPTH-B_DEPTH) ;
	    blue >>= (COLOR_DEPTH-B_DEPTH) ;

	    *outptr++ = histogram[red][green][blue] ;
	  fwrite(outline, 1, rh.ras_width, stdout) ;

	unsigned char	*outline, *inline ;
	short		*thisline, *nextline, *tmpptr ;
	unsigned char	*inptr ;
register unsigned char	*outptr ;
register short		*thisptr, *nextptr ;
register int		i, j ;
	int		imax, jmax ;
	int		lastline, lastpixel ;

	imax = rh.ras_height - 1 ;
	jmax = rh.ras_width - 1 ;

	inline = (unsigned char *) alloca( rh.ras_width * bytes_per_pixel ) ;
	thisline = (short *) alloca( rh.ras_width * 3 * sizeof(short)) ;
	nextline = (short *) alloca( rh.ras_width * 3 * sizeof(short)) ;

	outline = (unsigned char *) alloca( rh.ras_width ) ;

	 * get first line
	pr_get_bytes(stdin, &rh, rh.ras_width * bytes_per_pixel, inline) ;
	  register int tmp ;
	  inptr = inline ;
	  nextptr = nextline ;
	  for(j=0; j < rh.ras_width; ++j)
	    if(rh.ras_depth == 32)
	      ++inptr ;
	    if( rh.ras_maplength > 0)
	      *nextptr++ = *(colormap.map[0]+*inptr++) ;
	      *nextptr++ = *(colormap.map[1]+*inptr++) ;
	      *nextptr++ = *(colormap.map[2]+*inptr++) ;
	      *nextptr++ = *inptr++ ;
	      *nextptr++ = *inptr++ ;
	      *nextptr++ = *inptr++ ;

	for(i=0; i < rh.ras_height; ++i)
	  tmpptr = thisline ;
	  thisline = nextline ;
	  nextline = tmpptr ;
	  lastline = (i == imax) ;
	  pr_get_bytes(stdin, &rh, rh.ras_width * bytes_per_pixel, inline) ;
	    register int tmp ;
	    inptr = inline ;
	    nextptr = nextline ;
	    for(j=0; j < rh.ras_width; ++j)
	      if(rh.ras_depth == 32)
		++inptr ;
	      if( rh.ras_maplength > 0)
		*nextptr++ = *(colormap.map[0]+*inptr++) ;
		*nextptr++ = *(colormap.map[1]+*inptr++) ;
		*nextptr++ = *(colormap.map[2]+*inptr++) ;
		*nextptr++ = *inptr++ ;
		*nextptr++ = *inptr++ ;
		*nextptr++ = *inptr++ ;

	  thisptr = thisline ;
	  nextptr = nextline ;
	  outptr = outline;

	  for(j=0; j < rh.ras_width ; ++j)
	    int			red,green,blue ;
	    register int	oval, r2,g2,b2 ;

	    lastpixel = (j == jmax) ;

	    b2 = *thisptr++ ;
	    g2 = *thisptr++ ;
	    r2 = *thisptr++ ;

	    if( r2 < 0 ) r2 = 0 ;
	    else if( r2 >= MAX_COLOR ) r2 = MAX_COLOR-1 ;
	    if( g2 < 0 ) g2 = 0 ;
	    else if( g2 >= MAX_COLOR ) g2 = MAX_COLOR-1 ;
	    if( b2 < 0 ) b2 = 0 ;
	    else if( b2 >= MAX_COLOR ) b2 = MAX_COLOR-1 ;

	    red = r2 ;
	    green = g2 ;
	    blue = b2 ;

	    r2 >>= (COLOR_DEPTH-B_DEPTH) ;
	    g2 >>= (COLOR_DEPTH-B_DEPTH) ;
	    b2 >>= (COLOR_DEPTH-B_DEPTH) ;

	    if( (oval = histogram[r2][g2][b2]) == -1)
	      int		ci ;
	      register int	cj, tmp, d2, dist ;
	      register C_cell	*cell ;

	      cell = *( ColorCells + ( ((r2>>(B_DEPTH-C_DEPTH)) << C_DEPTH*2)
			+ ((g2>>(B_DEPTH-C_DEPTH)) << C_DEPTH )
			+ (b2>>(B_DEPTH-C_DEPTH)) ) ) ;
	      if(cell == NULL )
		cell = create_colorcell( red, green, blue ) ;

	      dist = 9999999 ;
	      for(ci = 0;
		  ci < cell->num_ents  &&  dist > cell->entries[ci][1] ;
		cj = cell->entries[ci][0] ;
		d2 = (rm[cj] >> (COLOR_DEPTH-B_DEPTH)) - r2 ;
		d2 *= d2 ;
		tmp = (gm[cj] >> (COLOR_DEPTH-B_DEPTH)) - g2 ;
		d2 += tmp*tmp ;
		tmp = (bm[cj] >> (COLOR_DEPTH-B_DEPTH)) - b2 ;
		d2 += tmp*tmp ;
		if( d2 < dist )
		  dist = d2 ;
		  oval = cj ;
	      histogram[r2][g2][b2] = oval ;
#ifdef	DEBUG
	      if( dist == 9999999 )
		fprintf(stderr,"??? quant: dist=9999999\n") ;
#endif	DEBUG

	    *outptr++ = oval ;

	    red -= rm[oval] ;
	    green -= gm[oval] ;
	    blue -= bm[oval] ;

	    if( !lastpixel )
	      thisptr[0] += blue * 7 / 16 ;
	      thisptr[1] += green * 7 / 16 ;
	      thisptr[2] += red * 7 / 16 ;
	    if( !lastline )
	      if( j != 0 )
		nextptr[-3] += blue * 3 / 16 ;
		nextptr[-2] += green * 3 / 16 ;
		nextptr[-1] += red * 3 / 16 ;
	      nextptr[0] += blue * 5 / 16 ;
	      nextptr[1] += green * 5 / 16 ;
	      nextptr[2] += red * 5 / 16 ;
	      if( !lastpixel )
		nextptr[3] += blue / 16 ;
		nextptr[4] += green / 16 ;
		nextptr[5] += red / 16 ;
	      nextptr += 3 ;
	  fwrite(outline, 1, rh.ras_width, stdout) ;

#ifdef	DEBUG
	Colorbox	*ptr ;

	printf("boxes:\n") ;
	ptr = usedboxes ;
	while(ptr != NULL)
	  printf("  %d<r<%d, %d<g<%d, %d<b<%d\n", ptr->rmin,ptr->rmax,
	      ptr->gmin,ptr->gmax, ptr->bmin,ptr->bmax) ;
	  ptr = ptr->next ;

register C_cell	*ptr ;
	int	i ;
	int	j ;

	fprintf(stderr, "n=%d\n", ptr->num_ents) ;
	for(i=0; i<ptr->num_ents; ++i)
	  j = ptr->entries[i][0] ;
	  fprintf(stderr, "(%d,%d): (%d,%d,%d)\n",
		  j, ptr->entries[i][1], rm[j],gm[j],bm[j]) ;

register Colorbox	*box ;
register int		ir,ig,ib, total ;

	total = 0 ;
	for(ir=box->rmin; ir<=box->rmax; ++ir)
	  for(ig=box->gmin; ig<=box->gmax; ++ig)
	    for(ib=box->bmin; ib<=box->bmax; ++ib)
	      total += histogram[ir][ig][ib] ;

	return total ;
#endif	DEBUG

/* pr_stream routines:  allow images to be read in stream
 * fasion rather than loading them into memory.
 * These routines are used in conjunction with the pr_io routines.  It
 * is the application's responsibility to read the header and
 * colormaps
 * routines:
 * pr_read_init(header)
 *	struct rasterfile *header ;
 *	sets up to read an image
 * pr_get_bytes(file, header, len, buffer)
 *	FILE		*file ;
 *	struct rasterfile *header ;
 *	int		len ;
 *	char		*buffer ;
 *	read data from input
 * int
 * pr_get_byte(file, header)
 *	FILE		*file ;
 *	struct rasterfile *header ;
 *	read and return one byte from input

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pixrect/pixrect.h>
#include <pixrect/memvar.h>
#include <pixrect/pr_io.h>
#include <rasterfile.h>

#define	ESCAPE	128

static	unsigned char	icvalue ;
static	int		icount ;

	struct rasterfile	*header ;
	icount = 0 ;

pr_get_bytes(file, header, len, buffer)
register FILE			*file ;
register struct rasterfile	*header ;
register int			len ;
register unsigned char		*buffer ;
	if(header->ras_type != RT_BYTE_ENCODED)
	  return( fread(buffer, 1, len, file) ) ;

	else while(len-- > 0)
	  if(icount > 0)
	    --icount ;
	    *buffer++ = icvalue ;
	    if( (icvalue = getc(file)) != ESCAPE )
	      *buffer++ = icvalue ;
	      if( (icount = getc(file)) == 0 )
		*buffer++ = ESCAPE ;
		*buffer++ = icvalue = getc(file) ;
	return 0 ;

unsigned char
pr_get_byte(file, header)
	FILE			*file ;
	struct rasterfile	*header ;
	unsigned char		rval ;

	pr_get_bytes(file, header, 1, &rval) ;
	return( rval ) ;
		-ed falk, sun microsystems
		 sun!falk, falk@sun.com
terrorist, cryptography, DES, drugs, cipher, secret, decode, NSA, CIA, NRO.