[comp.graphics] Computer Animation Tutorial

pedro@cui.UUCP (LOPEZ) (04/19/88)

                 Tutorial on Computer Animation

                        June 21-24, 1988
                        Lisbon, PORTUGAL

                     Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann
                         Daniel Thalmann

                      Tutorial organized by
             ACARTE, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
      INESC, Institute for Computer and Systems Engineering

The tutorial will present both theorical and practical aspects of
computer  animation.  Three  major  computer animation techniques
will be explained:
	keyframe animation
	parametric keyframe animation
	algorithmic animation

The computer generated film  "Rendez-vous  a  Montreal"  will  be
presented.  The direction of the sinthectic actors Marilyn Monroe
and Humphrey Bogart will be emphasized:

- artistic point of view:
recreation of famous persons and  reconstitution  of  their  per-
sonalities, as well as the corresponding animation;

- technical point of view:
personalized  expressions,  abstract  muscle  action  (AMA)  pro-
cedures, expression keyframe interpolation, multitrack mixing and
synchronization, automatic body mapping using jointdependent  lo-
cal  deformation  (JLD) operators and semiautomatic object grasp-

The tutorial includes both theorical and practical sessions.

                Registration fees: 40000$00 ESC.

             Registration time: before May 10, 1988.

                 For more informations contact:

                         Pedro F. Lopes
               Centre Universitaire d'Informatique
                      Universite de Geneve

                         Mario Rui Gomes
                        R. Alves Redol, 9
                      1000 LISBOA PORTUGAL
                           FAX: 525843