fred@maccs.UUCP (Fred Whiteside) (04/25/88)
[ obligatory comment about first time posts ] I am in the process of writing a Tektronix 4105 emulator. These creatures speak something called HLS in reference to colour. Most other things speak RGB. Thus, I need to convert HLS to RGB. I am certain that this is very well-understood and probably one of those questions that gets flamed regularly, but I HAVE looked in the library and in those journals that I could find and no solution is evident. If some kind soul could point me in the correct direction, I would be very thankful. Many thanks in advance Fred Whiteside WHITESID@MCMASTER.BitNet Development Analyst WHITESID@SSCvax.McMaster.CA McMaster University ...!uunet!mnetor!maccs!fred Hamilton, Canada ...!utzoo!utgpu!maccs!fred The views and opinions expressed herein are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the official views or opinions of McMaster University or its agents. If pressed they will likely admit to my existence.
mz@well.UUCP (Michael Zentner) (04/27/88)
Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics by Foley and Van Dam, pg 618-619, has code to do what you want.