[comp.graphics] Help needed with Noise

paul@mtunk.ATT.COM (p.wasserman) (04/26/88)

	I am planning to add solid texture mapping to a rendering
	system that I am in the process of writing. The first
	texture that I plan to map is marble. I have done some
	reading on this subject and found that Ken Perlin in
	SIGRAPH 85 Vol 19, Number 3 presents a technique for 
	simulating marble. Unfortunately (after many readings)
	I do not understand his discussion of the Noise() function.

	I would appreciate any pointers that could be given on
	this subject. I particular I would like either code
	fragments that implement Noise() or suggestions for
	further reading on the subject.


	Paul Wasserman


johnm@trsvax.UUCP (04/29/88)

If you can't get it any other way then here is a rather strange way that you
can get copies of the noise, turbulence, etc. functions mentioned in C.

I've been distributing DBW Render source to anyone who sent me either a
400K formatted Mac diskette or a formatted MSDos disk with a SASE to get it
back to you.  The program's texture functions all appear to be based on that
article and there are implementations of both noise and turbulence (with lots
of other very instructive code as well).  My address is:

		John Munsch
		3829 Lawndale Ave.
		Ft. Worth, TX  76133