[net.cooks] Wanted: stuffed breast of veal

sebb@pyuxss.UUCP (S Badian) (04/26/84)

	I am looking for a recipe for stuffed breast of veal.
Anyone out there have a good one? Thanks in advance!
				Sharon Badian

dsmith@uiucuxc.UUCP (05/01/84)

uiucuxc!dsmith    May  1 10:13:00 1984

     "From Julia Child's Kitchen" (one of my personal favorites), has
an excellent recipe for stuffed breast of veal.  Like most of Julia's
recipes, it is very detailed so that the novice may expect success 
with their first attempt.
     Strangely enough, I don't have the cookbook here at work, but as
I remember, the veal is stuffed with ground pork, bread crumbs, and
beaten eggs.  The difficult part is, of course, preparing the veal for
the stuffing (boning it and all that); but I believe you might be able
to get your butcher to do that for you.  
     The stuffed veal is then braised in chicken (or veal) stock with
white wine I believe.
     The recipe is rather time consuming, however, it is well worth the