pokey@well.UUCP (Jef Poskanzer) (05/24/88)
Version two of the Poskanzer Bitmap Collection is now ready for FTPing from expo.lcs.mit.edu:contrib/poskbitmaptars/*. There are a couple of differences this time: - There are 815 bitmaps instead of 278. - The total size is 7 meg compressed, instead of 6 meg. (The new bitmaps are mostly small.) - Because many people had trouble FTPing a 6 meg file all at once, I've broken it up into 14 separate tar files, each about half a megabyte long. This also makes it easier to retrieve specific bitmaps if you don't want the whole collection - the bitmaps are separated alphabetically.. Answers to some frequently asked questions: - Yes, there really is no way to get the bitmaps other than FTP. (If you want to volunteer to handle tape copying and mailing, feel free.) - The decimal address of expo is - There may be other places to FTP this stuff from, but I don't know of them. In particular, you can't FTP them from lbl-rtsg. Don't even try. - Don't forget to set binary mode when you do the FTP. Appended is the README for the new version. If you want to see what bitmaps are new, you can do a diff with the old README. --- Jef Jef Poskanzer jef@lbl-rtsg.arpa ...well!pokey CAUTION: May be habit-forming. - - - - - - - - - - The Poskanzer Bitmap Collection Distribution of 23may88 Previous distribution 18apr88 This is a collection of monochrome bitmaps, for use as background patterns, clip-art, et cetera. They are stored in X11 bitmap format, and most of them are compressed. If you need them in some other format, take a look at my "pbm" portable bitmap toolkit, which is probably available from the same place you got these bitmaps. As far as I know, all of these bitmaps are in the public domain. Certainly all of the ones I created are, and none of others had any copyrights attached when I grabbed them. However, there may still be restrictions on their use. For instance, the Digital Equipment logo is trademarked, so even though my bitmap of it is not copyrighted, the representation that results when you use it might get you into trouble. In any case, if you know a reason why any of these bitmaps should not be freely distributed, please let me know and I'll remove them from the collection. The collection currently has 815 bitmaps of various sizes from 16x16 to 1600x1280 The total size is about 47 megabytes uncompressed, and 7 megabytes compressed. More bitmaps are always welcome! Mail submissions to one of the addresses below, or tell me where I can FTP them from. To email bitmaps, convert them to pbm format, which is designed to be mailed safely. Or, if they are too large for that, compress, uuencode, and split them. For example: compress largebitmap.macp uuencode largebitmap.macp.Z largebitmap.macp.Z > largebitmap.macp.Z.uu split -500 largebitmap.macp.Z.uu largebitmap.macp.Z.uu foreach i ( largebitmap.macp.Z.uu?? ) mail -s $i jef < $i end Thank you for your support. Jef Poskanzer jef@lbl-rtsg.arpa {ucbvax, lll-crg, sun!pacbell, apple, hplabs}!well!pokey And now, the list of bitmaps: name width height origin comments ---- ----- ------ ------ --------------------------------------- 49ers 172 160 Xerox A football helmet. 666 64 64 me The Bitmap of the Beast. X 288 288 me The official X logo. ai_3d_tor 576 454 CCC A three-D torus. aliens 640 400 xpix* Ripley vs. Mama Alien. aljimmy 416 526 xmac Einstein. animal2 512 342 xpix* A dog. apple 16 16 Shein Like the Apple logo, but with an extra bite. arrows 48 58 DCM Some arrows. ascot 512 404 xpix Motorcycle ad. astronaut 1152 900 Berk An astronaut floating in space. att 28 28 Ship An AT&T logo. autox 576 454 CCC Abstract - automatic x's. aves_maxim 1152 900 Berk Birds. aves_pionus 1152 900 Berk More birds. bananas 27 36 DCM Some bananas. See cherries and strawberry. banzai 217 219 me Banzai Institute logo. banzaitilt 220 218 me Banzai Institute logo, tilted. batsignal 64 64 Onions "To the Batcave, Robin!" bears 1152 900 Ship Two bears from a Far Side cartoon. beatles 473 415 Ship John, George, Paul, and Ringo. bengal_tiger 512 342 xmac A tiger. betyboop 576 720 xpix Betty Boop. bicycle 361 271 Xerox A 10-speed bike. big_face 576 720 xpix Girl and Flower. bigcalvin 1024 864 xpix Calvin and Hobbes. bigcheapmoon 1184 1056 Berk* Looks like bigfullmoon, but is 40% cheaper. bigfish 552 199 Xerox Actually it's more like a whale. bigfullmoon 1600 1280 Berk* An extended version of fullmoon. cheapmoon 960 848 Berk* Looks like fullmoon, but is 20% cheaper. bigstars 1600 1280 Berk* An extended version of stars. bill 280 203 Xerox A Mr. Bill cartoon. bitrot 576 450 CCC* Decaying bits. bldg 400 451 CCC A building. bloom 576 454 CCC Bloom County. blotch 576 454 CCC Abstract. bob 61 75 other J. R. "Bob" Dobbs, from the xbob hack. boom 576 454 CCC Abstract. bricks1 100 100 me A brick wall background. bricks2 100 100 me Another brick wall background. broadcast 64 64 TomC A radio tower broadcasting stuff. brooke 513 342 xpix Brooke Shields. bulls_eye 576 454 CCC Abstract. calvin 512 432 xpix Calvin and Hobbes. carlogos 576 720 Ship* A bunch of car logos -- neat! carpet 1024 864 xpix Sierpinski carpet, order 3. cars 576 720 xpix Some cars. carstrucks 474 614 Ship Some cars and trucks. cassette 58 34 DCM A tape cassette. cbrinkly 576 720 xpix Christie Brinkley. cellauto 1152 900 RPI One-dimensional cellular automaton. chao 256 277 Caro The Sacred Chao. chao2 168 176 HO'P* Another Sacred Chao. cheesecake 1152 900 Berk Sports Illustrated swimsuit shot. cheeta 520 593 xpix A cheeta's face. cherries 34 38 DCM Some cherries. See bananas and strawberry. chess 576 454 CCC* A chessboard. circles1 36 36 me A circular background. circles2 576 454 CCC Abstract. cliparts 576 720 xpix Shareware clip-art. closed 550 271 Xerox A large "CLOSED" sign. clover 576 454 CCC Abstract. coke 64 64 Leres The Coca-Cola logo. conrac 576 427 mugs* A video monitor undergoing feedback. console 74 52 me A console icon. countach 624 468 xpix* The famous Lamborghini. cow 64 64 me A cow. crosby 575 427 mugs* Bing Crosby. csh 74 52 me A csh icon. cube 111 129 me A cube. cube2 103 105 HO'P* Another cube. cubepile 339 346 me A bunch of cubes. dancer 232 303 Ship An oriental dancer. database 64 64 TomC GIGO. david 243 267 me An impossible star of david. daybreak 1152 900 Berk Maxfield Parish's "Daybreak". dcm_cursors/* 16 16 DCM 205 different cursors, all 16x16. dcm_icons/* 64 64 DCM 45 different icons, all 64x64. dcm_misc/* * * DCM 118 bitmaps, of various (small) sizes. dcm_textures/* 16 16 DCM 79 different textures, all 16x16. death 512 511 xmac "Death and Transfiguration" descartes 480 410 mugs* Rene Descartes. digital 295 89 me The DEC logo. diplomacy 608 576 xmac A board for the game Diplomacy. dnews 64 64 TomC digital news. dolphins 172 160 Xerox A football helmet. dont_panic 150 180 Ship From the Hitchhiker's Guide. dot 36 36 me A dot. dragon 576 720 xmac Escher's "Dragon". dragon2 313 442 Ship A smaller "Dragon". drkrider 457 667 xpix* Frank Frazetta's "Dark Rider". drugs 208 216 me A bunch of CONTAC capsules. eddie 576 720 xpix Eddie Murphy. elvis 480 444 mugs* Elvis Presley. emacs 64 64 TomC An emacs icon. enterprise1 272 170 Xfont A view of NCC 1701. enterprise2 368 170 Xfont Another view of NCC 1701. eye1 208 180 me The Eye in the Pyramid. eye1I 208 180 me The Eye in the Pyramid, inverted background. eye2 576 454 CCC* An abstract eye-in-pyramid. eye3 43 37 HO'P* A very small Eye in the Pyramid. eyes 163 46 me A pair of sinister eyes, taken from the original mazewar game at Xerox. f14 576 720 xpix Shareware jet. far_side 1152 900 Berk A Far Side comic. ferrari 560 242 xpix* The car. fingerprint 576 454 CCC Abstract. fish 32 16 other The fish from the xfish hack. flow 576 454 CCC* Abstract. foo 576 454 CCC* Abstract. fourpoll 576 454 CCC Abstract. fourpoll1 576 454 CCC Abstract. fractal 455 454 CCC* Abstract - crystalline structure. free 153 69 DCM "Free!" fresnel 576 454 CCC* Abstract - Fresnel lens. fuji1 153 38 HO'P* Mountain, moonrise. fullmoon 1152 900 Berk The moon, set in a star field. galaxy 64 64 Sun A galaxy. galois 276 398 mugs* Evariste Galois. garfield 337 177 Xerox Garfield the cat. gasket 1024 864 xpix Sierpinski gasket, order 2. gauss 278 399 mugs* Karl Friderich Gauss. geisha 576 720 xpix A geisha. ghostbust 358 285 Xerox The Ghostbusters logo. globe 64 64 Sun A globe. goaway 64 64 Ship "GO AWAY". godzilla 1152 900 Berk The famous monster. gort 64 64 Sun "Klaatu barada nikto." graf_pic 576 454 CCC* Abstract. greenback 499 210 Hains A one-dollar bill. griffin 576 454 xpix* A griffin. guru 85 326 me Chinese characters. he_man 576 720 xpix A cartoon character. hilbert 264 398 mugs* David Hilbert. hills 576 720 xpix Landscape line-drawing. horror 552 664 xmac A nightmare. huntress 576 720 xpix A BBS advertisment. interceptor 557 370 mugs* A motorcycle. in_use 64 64 Ship "IN USE!" inv 576 454 CCC Abstract. janis 576 427 mugs* Janis Joplin. jefferson 288 359 me Thomas Jefferson's face, extracted from the twodollar bitmap. jimi 576 427 mugs* Jimi Hendrix. john_yoko 1152 900 Berk John and Yoko. journeys_end 1152 900 Ship Edward Albee's (???) "Journey's End". kei1 240 416 RPI A cartoon character. kei2 496 432 RPI A cartoon character. kermit 64 64 TomC A kermit icon. kilroy 64 64 frank Kilroy was here. kinski 576 517 xmac Nastassja Kinski's face. kirk 512 342 xpix* Captain Kirk and Lt. Uhura. koala 576 720 xpix MacVision advertisment. kome 64 64 Leres Radio station KOME logo. kristen 576 720 xpix Nice soft-core graphic by Nagel. launch 576 454 xpix* Space shuttle launch. lbl 64 64 Leres Lawrence Berkeley Lab logo. lenna 518 486 Ship From the same people who brought you the mandrill. lenna16 819 767 Ship Another lenna, larger. life 240 240 Xerox A pattern from Conway's game of life. lock 32 32 Millik* A padlock. lum1 464 480 RPI A cartoon character. lum2 352 480 RPI A cartoon character. mac 64 64 TomC A Macintosh icon. mac_bomb 64 64 TomC A Macintosh that just blew up. mac_frown 64 64 TomC A frowning Macintosh. mac_question 64 64 TomC A Macintosh with a question mark. mac_smile 64 64 TomC A smiling Macintosh. mackent 576 454 CCC A strange "ME" logo. madonna 524 338 xpix* A HyperDrive advertisment. magnetosphere 576 454 CCC* Abstract. mail 64 64 Sun A mailbox with mail in it. mail2 64 64 TomC A slightly improved mail icon. mandrill 512 480 xpix The famous mandrill. mandrill16 818 766 xpix The famous mandrill, larger. mandrill18 920 862 xpix The famous mandrill, even larger. mandrillfs 512 512 phils The mandrill using Floyd-Steinberg half-toning instead of dithering. manmoon 576 454 xpix* Astronaut and flag. mans 576 454 CCC* New wave robotoids. map200 512 480 phils A map of Malaysia, Floyd-Steinberged and edge-enhanced. marilyn1 1152 900 Berk Marilyn Monroe, badly dithered. marilyn2 279 491 xpix* Marilyn Monroe by Warhol. marilyn3 511 596 xpix* Famous calendar pose of Marilyn Monroe. mask 576 454 CCC Abstract. max 346 326 mugs* Max Headroom. max2 1152 900 Ship More Max headroom. max_brandy 1184 952 Berk E&J brandy advertisment. maze1 100 100 me A maze background. Wraps around. maze2 768 768 xpix A scene from MazeWar. medeco 576 454 CCC Logo - the distortion is intentional. mentor 576 454 CCC Dream stereo control panel. mesozoic 490 442 Ship A cartoon with dinosaurs. mickey 576 720 xpix Mickey Mouse, slightly messed up. mickey2 328 326 mugs* Mickey Mouse as the Sorceror's Apprentice. mickey3 58 58 DCM Another Mickey Mouse. miranda 576 720 xpix Voyager 2 image of the moon Miranda. mistert 64 64 ??? "Hey suckah!" mit 168 145 Xfont An MIT logo. mmail 64 64 TomC An open mailbox. mobot_1 348 419 mugs* A robot. moeb 576 720 xpix Escher's "Band von Moebius II". morrison 428 439 mugs* Jim Morrison. mouse 62 26 Xerox A tiny mouse on wheels. movietone 16 16 me A nice simple background pattern. mstreep 576 720 xpix Allegedly Meryl Streep. mug 177 171 mugs* A mug. nausicca1 496 480 RPI A cartoon character. nausicca2 496 480 RPI A cartoon character. nebula 576 720 xpix Astromonical photograph. nerd 197 197 me R. Crumb's nerd. news 64 64 DCM A news icon. news2 64 64 TomC Another news icon. nil 576 454 CCC NIL. nile 576 454 CCC* A phrase in Greek. no 199 199 me A circle-with-bar, for customization. nobozos 64 64 Sun No Bozos. nomail 64 64 Sun A mailbox without any mail. nomail2 64 64 TomC A slightly inproved nomail icon. nosmoking 232 233 me A cigarette in a circle-with-bar. okay 51 23 DCM "Ok!" okay2 71 30 DCM "Okay." opus 485 416 mugs* Opus the Penguin (stuffed). packet 64 64 TomC A funnel. ??? panther 576 720 xpix Interesting graphic of panther and fem. peidmont 576 720 xpix Another Nagel graphic. phoenix 576 454 CCC* Line drawing of phoenix. phone 64 48 Sun A telephone. phone2 64 64 TomC Another telephone. pipes 100 100 me Plumbing background. Wraps around. popart 576 454 CCC Abstract. prisoner 195 203 Riggle The penny-farthing bicycle. rap 218 63 HO'P* RAP. rato 116 146 HO'P* El Rato de el Paso. reagan 442 402 mugs* Ronald Wilson Reagan. reagan2 444 616 Ship A somewhat less serious portrait. realeye 112 75 ??? A human eye. Good looking, too. reflect 483 691 Ship* Escher's "Hand With Reflecting Globe". rhine 1024 808 Xerox A village scene on the Rhine. riemann 226 256 mugs* Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann. rlogin 74 52 me An rlogin icon. rn 48 48 Leres A blowtorch. rn2 64 64 Ship Another rn icon. roadrunner 79 106 LaFerl* "BEEP BEEP!!!" rolex 64 64 TomC A Rolex watch face. ronbo 576 720 xpix A movie poster - Ronald Ronbo. rose 382 469 me A rose. Extracted from a NeWS demo. rose2 32 32 HO'P* Another rose. rpicalvin 512 470 xpix More Calvin and Hobbes. run 256 49 Ship Little running men. scarabs 520 351 xmac A pair of dung-beetles. scorpion 576 450 xmac A nice drawing of a nasty crustacean. scrooge 576 720 xpix Scrooge McDuck. shapes 100 100 me A geometric shapes background. shin 416 440 RPI A cartoon character. sinatra 514 452 mugs* Frank Sinatra. skull1 576 720 xpix An anatomical drawing of a skull. skull2 576 720 xmac An anatomical drawing of a skull. skull3 87 109 HO'P* A skull. skulls 281 183 HO'P* A bunch of skulls. smallmoon 256 256 Xerox The moon. smiley 36 36 me A smiley-face. smiley2 16 16 Ship Another smiley-face. sphere 146 146 Xerox A sphere. This is one of the oldest bitmaps around -- I saw it in 1978. sphere2 57 56 HO'P* Another sphere. sphere3 82 81 HO'P* Another sphere. spock 512 342 xpix* Mr. Spock. spock2 305 329 Ship Spock's face. sq_tunnel 576 454 CCC Abstract. stanford1 208 216 Xfont A Stanford logo. stanford2 128 216 Xfont Another Stanford logo. stars 1152 900 Berk A star-field. startrek 512 342 xpix* McCoy, Kirk, and Spock. steinheim 1024 808 Berk A haunted castle. stopsign 64 64 DCM A stop sign. strawberry 35 32 DCM A strawberry. See bananas and cherries. sun 64 64 Sun A Sun logo icon. sun2 25 25 Ship Another Sun logo. sun3 32 32 Ship Yet another Sun logo. swiss 64 64 TomC A swiss army knife. sybasesnail1 35 56 me Sybase logo. sybasesnail2 56 90 me Sybase logo. sybasesnail3 69 111 me Sybase logo. sybasesnail4 111 179 me Sybase logo. talk 64 64 Ship A "talk" icon. talking 576 454 CCC Talking Heads logo. tapecover1 298 276 HO'P Tape label: abstract. tapecover2 298 276 HO'P Tape label: mandala / zap. tapecover3 282 266 HO'P Tape label: ball & shadow & spot. tapecover4 283 267 HO'P Tape label: rose / "DEAD". tapecover5 282 267 HO'P Tape label: "mUSIc". tapecover6 282 267 HO'P Tape label: crystal domains. tapecover7 283 267 HO'P Tape label: stuzzy waves / zap. tapecover8 283 267 HO'P Tape label: Grateful Dead. tapecover9 283 267 HO'P Tape label: ribbons / Grateful Dead. tapecover10 283 267 HO'P Tape label: abstract. tapecover11 283 267 HO'P Tape label: abstract. tapecover12 283 267 HO'P Tape label: petroglyphs. tapecover13 285 265 HO'P Tape label: mandala / pretty cool. tapecover14 283 268 HO'P Tape label: abstract / eye / branches. tapecover15 285 265 HO'P Tape label: skull / Grateful Dead. tapecover16 283 268 HO'P Tape label: skulls / Grateful Dead. tapecover17 285 265 HO'P Tape label: mesh / Fuji. tapecover18 283 265 HO'P Tape label: mesh / snakes. tapecover19 285 265 HO'P Tape label: tunnel. tapecover20 283 267 HO'P Tape label: abstract. tapecover21 285 265 HO'P Tape label: El Rato de El Paso. tapecover22 285 265 HO'P Tape label: man smoking / Grateful Dead. tapecover23 285 265 HO'P Tape label: Sacred Chao / snake / eye. tapecover24 283 267 HO'P Tape label: shapes / eye. tapecover25 285 265 HO'P Tape label: Weeping Beatnik. tapecover26 283 267 HO'P Tape label: abstract. tapecover27 285 265 HO'P Tape label: three-D / eye. tapecover28 283 267 HO'P Tape label: moon ghost / zap. tapecover29 283 267 HO'P Tape label: "Tape" / "DOLBY". tapecover30 283 267 HO'P Tape label: ribbons / "TAPE". tapecover31 285 265 HO'P Tape label: HO'P Sampler 1987. tapecover32 285 265 HO'P Tape label: "RAP I". tardis 72 116 Riggle A London police box. tek 64 64 TomC A graphics terminal icon. telnet 74 52 me A telnet icon. thing 576 720 xpix A very *nasty* thing. three_worlds 512 356 xmac Escher's "Three Worlds". tidings 576 720 xpix Shareware clipart. tiffany 830 744 Xerox Generic female face. timex 64 64 Leres A slightly-modified clock face. tinymoon 65 64 me Very small moon, converted from my phoon program. tinynosmoking 64 64 Sun A smaller cigarette-in-a-slashed-circle. tip 74 52 me A tip icon. tongue 16 16 me A very small tongue. train1 392 280 xpix* A steam engine. trek 60 34 Sun A small Starship Enterprise. triangle 173 151 me The impossible triangle. tty 64 64 DCM A dumb-terminal icon. tvc15 576 454 CCC Abstract. twodollar 1024 808 Xerox A two-dollar bill. valentine 100 100 Ship A valentine. vanna 576 720 xpix The Amazing Vanna White. vanna2 337 477 xpix* The Amazing Vanna White again. venn 576 454 CCC Venn-diagram abstraction. veretek 332 506 Ship A GoBot, I suppose. vt100 64 64 TomC A VT100 icon. vt102 64 64 TomC A VT102 icon. vt220 64 64 TomC A VT220 icon. waterfall 576 720 xmac Based on Escher's "Waterfall". waves1 100 100 me A wavy background. waves2 100 100 me Another wavy background. weirdscience 576 454 CCC Abstract. woman-with-ban 576 454 CCC Utterly abstract. woodduck 528 671 xmac A nice duck drawing. working 322 69 DCM "Working..." wrath_head 247 272 Ship A nasty-looking head. wring 576 454 CCC* A write ring. write_file 76 87 Ship Clearly devolved. wrwatch 512 342 xpix* A stopwatch. xerox 573 154 Xerox The Xerox logo. xim 100 100 phils Icon for xim - looks like a slide. xterm 74 52 me An xterm icon. yafa 183 116 Caro The Yafa logo. yamato 576 454 CCC Japanese phrase. yellowpages 64 64 Sun Let your fingers do the walking. yield 48 48 DCM A yield sign. yin_yang1 98 98 Xerox Yin and Yang. yin_yang2 576 454 CCC Yin and Yang. yoda 135 218 Xerox Ah, Yoda you seek. Powerful Jedi is he. yoda2 78 55 DCM Another Yoda. yosemite 1152 900 Berk Yosemite valley. yoyodyne 288 288 me YOYODYNE Propulsion Systems. yuri1 512 512 RPI A cartoon character. yuri2 512 512 RPI A cartoon character. zapata 576 454 xpix* A running shoe. zip 48 52 DCM U.S. Postal Service logo. zippy 466 410 mugs* Zippy the Pinhead. zebragrl 576 720 xpix Looks like one of Boris Vallejo's. The code for the origin column is as follows: xpix = from the xpix collection of Seth Finkelstein, Project Athena CCC = Concourse Computer Center, via xpix RPI = Rensselaer Prophylactic Institute, via xpix me = Jef Poskanzer HO'P = Harold Poskanzer Xerox = from various people at Xerox xmac = from Patrick Naughton's xmac collection Berk = from the xbackgrounds collection on ucbvax.Berkeley.Edu mugs = from the mugshots subdirectory of xpix Ship = from Peter Shipley of UC Berkeley DCM = from DC Martin of UC Berkeley Sun = from the Sun icon library TomC = Thomas Clodfelter of JPL Xfont = extracted from a font in the X.V11R2 release Leres = Craig Leres of the Lawrence Berkeley Lab phils = Philip R. Thompson of MIT Caro = Perry Caro, then of Xerox Riggle = David Riggle, then of Xerox Hains = Chuck Hains of Xerox Shein = Barry Shein Millik = Walter Milliken LaFerl = Robert LaFerla frank = frank@lands.CED.Berkeley.EDU Onions = Julian Onions of Nottingham University other = see comments ??? = unknown <xxx>* = the asterix indicates I touched it up a bit or two