[comp.graphics] Short Course - Image Engineering

chucko@saturn.ucsc.edu (Chuck Stein) (06/11/88)

                The University of California
                     Eighteenth Annual
                    presents courses in:

   * Scientific Visualization    * Fault Tolerant Computing
   * Parallel Computation        * Image Engineering
   * Data Compression            * Machine Learning
                   Techmart, Santa Clara
                  on campus in Santa Cruz

Following is a course description for:

                        Image Engineering:
    The Technologies and Applications of Contemporary Image Processing
                          September 6-8

X424 Computer Engineering (2)

This course is for those who need a more fundamental understanding 
of digital imaging and who wish to participate in this next revolution 
in information systems.  It is aimed at individuals with an interest in 
the technical implementation of image processing applications, but it 
can also serve managers who wish to explore how this technology can 
be applied in their own industries.

Advances in technology are making it possible for image data to be 
captured, processed, stored, retrieved, displayed, merged, and printed 
on affordable computer systems, including personal computers.

This course begins with an overview of image processing concepts, 
followed by examples of applications where images are a large part of 
the data (along with text and graphics) in information systems.  Such 
applications are found in computer-aided publishing, record-keeping 
(as in insurance, medicine, personnel, aerospace, libraries, utilities, 
etc.), medical imaging, advertising, parts inspection, remote sensing, 
and astronomy.

Methods and computer system requirements for images will be 
developed and the added complexity introduced by color discussed.  
Algorithms for implementation of the image processing functions will 
be described, as well as the specialized hardware for their realization.

Examples of image processing software and simple applications will be 
demonstrated on systems ranging from personal computers to 
mainframes.  Hands-on experience will be provided for students on 
IBM PCs, utilizing IBM-PCIPS image processing software in the DOS 
environment and the HIPS system in the XENIX environment.

Schedule of Topics:
*Image Concepts:  defining sources and scanning, storage and display, 
  relationship of images to computer graphics.
*Image Applications:  examination of applications and requirements
  ranging from simple image storage, retrieval and display through 
  image analysis and image enhancement.  Selected applications such 
  as medical imaging (e.g. magnetic resonance imaging), manufacturing 
  inspection, remote sensing, and computer-aided publishing will be
*Mathematical Models of Images:  description and development of
  scanning, sampling and aliasing, quantization, resolution conversion,
  and compression.
*Algorithms for Image Analysis:  description and/or development of
  selected algorithms including noise suppression, contrast enhance-
  ment, edge detection and enhancement, frequency domain filtering,
  color transformation.
*Hardware for Image Applications:  scanners and scanner technology,
  displays and workstations, storage, and printing.
*Systems Issues for Implementation of Image Applications:  storage
  system architecture and technology, required bandwidths for inter-
  connected workstations and image database servers, display and
  processing requirements.
*Software Packages for image processing.
*Image Storage in database systems.
*Image Methods Used in Desk-Top Publishing and Advertising:  edit-
  ing and enhancement, including digital halftoning, gamma correc-
  tion, and "electronic darkroom".
*Workstation Architecture for image applications, including display
  and local storage, and requirements for local-area networks con-
  necting workstations sharing image databases.

PATRICK E. MANTEY, Professor and Chair of Computer Engineering at
the University of California, Santa Cruz.  

LEWIS E. HITCHNER, Assistant Professor of Computer and Information 
Sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

HARWOOD G. KOLSKY, Adjunct Professor of Computer Engineering at 
the University of California, Santa Cruz. 

Fee:  Credit, $875 (EDP C6030)  

Dates:  Three Days, Tues.-Thu., Sept. 6-8, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Place:  Techmart, 5201 Great America Pkwy., Santa Clara


Enrollment in these courses is limited.  If you wish to attend a course 
and have not pre-registered, please call (408) 429-4535 to insure that 
space is still available and to reserve a place.

Corporate, faculty, IEEE member, and graduate student discounts and
fellowships are available.  Please call Karin Poklen at (408) 429-4535
for more information.

Ronald L. Smith, Institute in Computer Science, (408) 429-2386.

Please write Institute in Computer Science, University of California 
Extension, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, or phone Karin Poklen at (408) 429-
4535.  You may also enroll by phone by calling (408) 429-4535.  A
packet of information on transportation and accommodations will be sent
to you upon receipt of your enrollment.