[comp.graphics] Intersection formulae

steveb@cbmvax.UUCP (Steve Beats) (06/29/88)

Graphics gurus,

I've recently been playing with a simple ray tracing program and would like to
increase the number of types of objects it can handle.  Currently, I can form
images from spheres, disks and arbitrary polygons but I would like to start
using things like cones, toroids, cylinders and the like.  Unfortunately, my
geometry skills leave a lot to be desired and I'm having difficulty finding
any books that present the formulae in the manner I need.  I've figured out
most of the basic stuff from various Siggraph proceedings and the few books
I do have but I'm pretty much stuck now.  I can generate some good looking
scenes with the stuff I have, but the object type limitations are a bit of a
pain in the butt.

So, what I would like from you folks, if at all possible, are the various
formulae for intersecting a ray with different objects.  All of my intersect
routines (IntersectSphere, IntersectPlane and IntersectDisk) take a pointer
to the object to be tested for intersection and a pointer to a ray which
consists of an origin and a unit direction vector.  Each of the routines
returns a distance from the origin of the ray to the point of intersection.
If some kind soul(s) could possibly provide me with any formulas you know of
to intersect with different objects in this manner I would be much obliged.

eg.  The sphere intersection formula is;
Distance = (Y.W) - sqrt( R^2 - |Y-W(Y.W)|^2 )
	Y = a vector from the ray origin to the center of the sphere
	W = the unit direction vector of the ray
	R = the radius of the sphere
The sphere is specified as an x,y,z point in space and a radius.

Oh yes, I also need the method for calculating the surface normal at the
point of intersection on a given type of object.  The plane is easy because
simply normalising a,b and c of the plane equation yields the surface normal
directly (I actually store this with the surface description).  The sphere
is similarily trivial since normalising the vector from the sphere center to
the point of intersection also generates the surface normal.  If you don't
have this information, no problem, I can probably figure it out somehow.

Since these kind of request usually (hopefully :-) generate quite a lot of
replies, I will be happy to take them as EMail and summarise to the net.
