lively@sunybcs.uucp (Richard S. Lively) (07/08/88)
Does anyone know the publisher of the proceedings for Graphics Interface? I am interested in this year and previous years.
singh@alberta.UUCP (Gurminder Singh) (07/09/88)
In article <12467@sunybcs.UUCP> lively@sunybcs.UUCP (Richard S. Lively) writes: >Does anyone know the publisher of the proceedings for Graphics Interface? >I am interested in this year and previous years. Proceedings are available in Canada from: Canadian Information Processing Society 243 College Street, 5th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5T 2Y1 Canada Tel.: (416)593-4040 Price for GI' 88 proceedings: Can$35.00 (Members: $25.00) and in US from: Morgan Kaufman Publishers Order Fulfillment Center P.O.Box 50490 Palo Alto, CA 94303 Tel.: (415)965-4081 Price for GI'88 proceedings: US$35.00