[comp.graphics] another simple ray-tracer available

kyriazis@rpics (George Kyriazis) (09/02/88)

        Hello world!  I have been using ray tracers for quite some time now,
and I have made many changes to some of them, so I though it was time for
me to write a ray tracer.  So there it is!  It is not supposed to be fast
or anything, but I think it is well commented and easy to understand.
It is very simple also.
        I am willing to give it to anyone that wants it.  Unfortunately,
I don't think I can put it in a place where people can ftp to, so if you
want it, please send me mail.  I'm sure I can put it in some public place
        The ray tracer currently supports only spheres, with ambient,
diffuse, specular lighting, together with reflections and refractions.
I don't use any in-line code for the vector routines, but subroutines, for
        Hope someone will want to play around with it.

  George Kyriazis