[comp.graphics] High-res 24-bit images

schear@ttidca.TTI.COM (Steve Schear) (09/16/88)

My organization is looking for a source of 1K-squared, 24-bit color
images to test some algorithms we're developing.  These pictures need
to be of good quality.  A variety of scenes, both natural and synthetic
are desired.

We're willing to may a reasonable amount (~$50-100) if the pictures
appear to fit our needs.

oster@dewey.soe.berkeley.edu (David Phillip Oster) (09/20/88)

In article <3177@ttidca.TTI.COM> schear@ttidca.TTI.COM (Steve Schear) writes:
>My organization is looking for a source of 1K-squared, 24-bit color

Call Barneyscan, at (415) 524 6648 on
Harrison St.
in Berkeley, CA.

They make a scanner that produces 1kx1.5kx24 bit per pixel images. They
may be able to help you out.