[net.cooks] Parasites in meat

anita@utastro.UUCP (05/21/84)

One way to limit the problem with parasites in meat is to freeze
the meat prior to using it.  I do not know how effective
this is at all parasites but I do know that freezing is more
effective for killing trichinosis parasites than is cooking.
Apparently, unless you get the meat hot enough throughout, you
can still run a risk.  If you freeze the pork, no trichinosis
beasties can live.  My source for this came a couple of years
ago from the N. Y. State Cooperative Extension and the department
of Animal Sci. at Cornell University.

Another note on bad stuff in meat:  a number of years ago, Consumer's
Report did a study on fast food hamburger places and bacteria.
They also tested ground beef from several supermarkets.  To their
surprise they found that, whereas all of the fast food places had
bacteria counts within acceptable limits, almost none of the supermarkets
did!  That is sobering.
                     *>> Anita Cochran <<*

            uucp:  {kpno, ut-sally, ut-ngp}!utastro!anita
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            arpa:  anita@ut-ngp  
            snail: Astronomy Department
                   The University of Texas at Austin
                   Austin, TX  78712
            at&t:  (512) 471-4461