[comp.graphics] Updates 2, 3, 4, and 5 for Poskanzer Bitmap Collection available.

pokey@well.UUCP (Jef Poskanzer) (12/18/88)

Even though it has been only a month and a half since update 1, I have
four new updates ready.  See, what determines when an update should go
out is the size, and these new bitmaps are mostly LARGE.

The updates are stored on expo.lcs.mit.edu ( as
Each tarchive is about half a meg -- the contents and exact sizes are
listed below.  Don't forget to set binary mode when you retrieve them.
And please don't ftp during working hours (9 am to 6 pm EST).

I'm still collecting new bitmaps!  Let me know what you have.

           Jef Poskanzer   jef@rtsg.ee.lbl.gov   ...well!pokey

- - - - - - - - - -

-rw-r--r--  1 jef        524288 Dec 15 23:35 poskbitmaps.update2.tar
arches		1152	900	???	Somewhere in the southwest.
aspen		1152	900	???	Leaves.
columbine	1152	900	???	Flowers.
emirikol	1024	789	???	A D&D woodcut.
faces/*		*	*	richb	Some small icons from Rich Burridge's faces program.
flyhull		1024	800	???	A hobie cat?

-rw-r--r--  1 jef        548864 Dec 15 23:35 poskbitmaps.update3.tar
bc		1152	900	???	Satellite image of British Columbia.
kb		1152	900	???	Kate Bush.
kb_big		1600	1280	???	A bigger Kate Bush.

-rw-r--r--  1 jef        532480 Dec 15 23:35 poskbitmaps.update4.tar
landscape	512	512	???	?
leopard		800	600	???	A leopard's face.
mazatlan	1152	900	Xerox	A postcard from Mehico.
mickey		576	720	xpix**	Mickey Mouse.
mountain	1152	900	???	Mt. St. Helens and Spirit Lake.
next		64	64	me	The NeXT logo.
opus2		1152	900	???	Opus's fantasy.
owl		1152	900	???	An owl.
pil		128	128	allynh	The logo of Public Image Ltd.
saturn		800	600	???	A montage of Voyager II pictures.
slug		60	40	daryl	U.C. Santa Cruz logo.
twofish		414	458	russ	Two tropical fishies.

-rw-r--r--  1 jef        573440 Dec 15 23:35 poskbitmaps.update5.tar
sun4		1152	900	???	A VERY LARGE Sun logo.
u2		1152	900	???	U2.
u2_big		1600	1280	???	A bigger U2.
verybigmark	1152	900	???	Someone's VERY LARGE face.