(Net news owner) (01/05/89)
exploratory project very similar to the ideas proposed by Kjartan & Dagur. Some of the Articles I have found include Criteria for Quantitative Rating and Optimum Design on Concert Halls Hulbert, G.M. Baxa, D.E. Seireg, A. University of Wisconsin - Madison J Acoust Soc Am v 71 n 3 Mar 83 p 619-629 ISSN 0001-4966, Item Number: 061739 Design of room acoustics and a MCR reverberation system for Bjergsted Concert hall in Stavanger Strom, S. Krokstad, A. Sorsdal, S. Stensby, S. Appl Acoust v19 n6 1986 p 465-475 Norwegian Inst of Technology, Trondheim, Norw ISSN 0003-682X, Item Number: 000913 I am also looking for an English Translation of Ein Strahlverfolgungs-Verafahren Zur Berechnung von Schallfelern in Raemem [ Ray-Tracing Program for the calculation of sound fields of rooms ] Voralaender, M. Acoustica v65 n3 Feb 88 p 138-148 ISSN 0001-7884, Item Number: 063350 If anyone is interested in doing a translation I can send the German copy that I have. It doesn't do an ignorant fool like myself any good and I have a hard time convincing my wife or friends who know Deutch to do the translation. A good literature search can discover plenty of articles, quite a few of which are about architectural design of music halls. With a large concert hall, the calculations are easier because of the dimensions. (the wavelength is small compared to the dimensions of the hall) The cases I am interested in are complicated by the fact that I want to work with relatively small rooms, large sources, and to top it off low (60hz) frequencies. I vaguely remember seeing a blurb somewhere about a program done by BOSE ( the speaker company) that calculated sound fields generated by speakers in a room. I would appreciate any information on such a beast. From: (Jerry J Trantow) Path:!trantow The simple source for geometric acoustics is described in Beranek's Acoustic in the chapter on Radiation of Sound. To better appreciate the complexity from diffraction, try the chapter on The Radiation and Scattering of Sound in Philip Morse's Vibration and Sound ISBN 0-88318-287-4. I am curious as to the commercial software that is available in this area. Does anyone have any experience they could comment on???