[comp.graphics] Tektronics 4010 Graphics Query

dgh@ecsvax.uncecs.edu (Douglas Heatherly) (01/20/89)

Does anyone know of a simple tek4010/4014 graphics driver that has
routines for drawing lines(vectors), rectangles, points and maybe
circles.  I don't need any 3D stuff.  Preferably in Fortran, but
will use others if can't find fortran version.  I need these 
routines to make simple line drawings (not plots).

Thanks in advance.   Sometimes life is complicated.

					Doug Heatherly

garyc@tekecs.TEK.COM (Gary Combs) (01/22/89)

I know this isn't the place for selling things but you can contact a 
Tektronix office and ask about our Plot 10 TCS package. Although it
is now designed for some of our newer products, it is still a great
package for all 401X products.

If there are none listed near you, you can call (800) 426-2200.
They will be happy to assist you.