[comp.graphics] TIFF, GIF, Rasterfile, and Pbm

mcintyre@turing.cs.rpi.edu (David McIntyre) (02/18/89)

I am about to start programming conversion utilities between:

				Sun Rasterfile

We will be using this to take images from our AIS machine (in rasterfile
format) and convert them for use in Mac documents.  Conversely, we
want to be able to draw an image on the Mac, store it in TIFF or GIF,
convert it to rasterfile format, and process it on the AIS.

Before I start doing this, has someone already produced public domain
sources for these tasks?  

I have seen many requests for similar utilities here, but never an
answer.  If someone did get results, could they send them to me?
Or at least make me aware of them?

		I appreciate any help you can give,

Dave "mr question" McIntyre     |      "....say you're thinking about a plate
mcintyre@turing.cs.rpi.edu      |       of shrimp.....and someone says to 
office : 518-276-8633		|	you `plate,' or `shrimp'......"
home   : 518-271-6664		|