[comp.graphics] All you ever wanted to know about CGM....

ab@Ist.CO.UK (Andrew Bartlett) (02/18/89)

> Newsgroups: comp.fonts,comp.graphics,comp.sys.ibm.pc
> Subject: Re: Looking for info on CGM ANSI Standard, XYVision
> I am looking for references on the ANSI standard "CGM" (Computer
> Graphics Markup or something), which is the only ANSI standard for
> computer graphics.
> Any info pointing to sources for CGM reference manuals or quick
> reference jobbies would be muchly appreciated.

This could be of more general use, so posted to net rather than direct:
It could take a while to get to the US, so apologies if I'm repeating

I would appreciate some confirmation that this arrived. I think there's
a black hole somewhere out there that eats 50% of my transmissions :-)

1. CGMery, books etc:

Arnold, D & Bono P - CGM and CGi (Springer 1988)
Brodlie K et al The CGM - A Metafile for GKS? Computer Graphics Forum
	Vol 6 No 2 (1987)
Computer Aided Design. Special issue on Computer Graphics Standards
	Vol 19, no 8 (Oct 1987)
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications Special issue on Computer
	Graphics Standards (Vol 6 No 8 - Aug 1986)
Mumford A M - Application Profiles for Computer Graphics Standards
	Eurographics Conference Proceedings 1988 North Holland

Mumford & Skall (eds) The CGM in the real world (Springer 1988)


> I am also interested in finding out more about how the word
> processing system XYVision spits out CGM files.

Don't know about this one, but there are two vendors of
CGM software that I know of:

System Simulation Ltd, Bedford Chambers, Covent Garden London UK
	software to map from any CGM encoding to any other,
	as well as mappings GKS->CGM and CGM->postscript. They maintain
	a representation of the standard and its encodings within a
	database, and generate their parsers automatically from it.

	So high degree of confidence that software corresponds to
	CGM standards. Users are welcome to verify against the standard...

	Also they can generate CGM extensions and
	private variation encodings and decodings very quickly through
	their db.

	And easily generate other->cgm filters merely by expressing
	the mapping between the two....

	Their parsers are available as libraries for including in software..

	As I understand it, the software is in preparation for
	EuroGraphics-UK CGM Demonstration at Manchester Uni March 29-31.
	Phone (+44 1  836 7406) - ask for Mike Stapleton - call, or
	e-mail (mike@ssl.uucp) for information.

CGM Technology Software (PO Box 648, Gales Ferry, Conneticut)
	sell CGM diagnostic software for the IBM PC (only, I believe)
	Not sure how they demonstrate their conformance to the standard
	other than the traditional way of pumping it through a test suite -
	they do sell their "test suite" tho, - according to their literature
	103 sample binary encoded cgms from 21 companies.

Oh yes, Computer Associates, Slough UK (uk no: 0753 77733) also offer
cgm translation libraries - I think they are in fortran.

For unbiased info on CGMs you could do worse than contacting the
CGM Test Service, Attn G Guy, National Computing Centre, Oxford Road
Manchester M1 7ED UK

	e-mail: qmc-cs!gerry@leo.national-computing-centre.co.uk
	tel:     061 228 6333

There's probably lots more on the market - I intend to go to the
EuroGraphics demonstration at end march to find out :-) If anyone
who can't make it to this side of the pond would like a report back
on the event, mail me (ab@ist.co.uk) and I will keep you informed

Please no flames on advertising over the net. IST, my company,
does NOT sell, nor is it involved in any way with CGM, or GKS.
We believe NeWS rules, and anyway, postscript is the de-facto standard
these days (by all means flame on this!)


Andy Bartlett (ab@ist.co.uk)

muttiah@aa.ecn.purdue.edu (Ranjan S Muttiah) (02/25/89)

Am looking for references on any graphics work that has been done
at the celluar (cytology) level.  Please email

Thank You
