[comp.graphics] Updates 6 through 17 for Poskanzer Bitmap Collection available.

jef@hot.ee.lbl.gov (Jef Poskanzer) (03/03/89)

I have six megabytes of new bitmaps ready for xsetrooting.  A lot of
them are monochrome versions of the best of the color GIF files that
have recently been floating around in anonymous FTP directories.  I did
the conversions myself, as part of debuging the new grayscale and color
stuff I'm adding to the PBM package.

The updates are stored on expo.lcs.mit.edu ( as
Each tarchive is about half a meg -- the contents and exact sizes are
listed below.  Don't forget to set binary mode when you retrieve them.
And please don't FTP during working hours (9 am to 6 pm EST).

As always, any bitmaps you want to send me are welcome.  By the way,
if the folks who run expo are getting tired of me putting these huge
files out there, please speak up.  If there's a problem I'm sure we
can find somewhere else to put them.

           Jef Poskanzer   jef@helios.ee.lbl.gov   ...well!pokey

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-rw-r--r--  1 jef        425984 Mar  2 20:08 poskbitmaps.update6.tar
63vette		1152	671	GIF*	A classic Corvette.
944gtp		1140	772	GIF*	A racing Porsche.
adpcop		272	200	GIF*	A comic character.
afterburner	640	400	GIF*	From the ZZ-Top album.
ai		855	900	Sun*	An artificial intelligence.
albert		768	600	GIF*	Einstein in coveralls.
alicia		660	436	GIF*	A Nagel-like graphic.
ariel		640	400	GIF*	A flying fem.

-rw-r--r--  1 jef        483328 Mar  2 20:08 poskbitmaps.update7.tar
baph		313	454	Lindsay	The Baphomet of Mendes.
batman		1152	540	GIF*	The Caped Crusader.
bboop		206	450	GIF*	Betty Boop.
bilbo		640	400	GIF*	Bilbo Baggins, from the Rankin-Bass "Hobbit".
billtcat	640	400	GIF*	"Ack ack!!"
bladerunner	960	600	GIF*	From a movie poster.
blastoff	640	350	GIF*	A shuttle taking off.
bronze		1152	717	GIF*	Detail from some religious sculpture.
bud		1152	864	GIF*	These buds are for you.

-rw-r--r--  1 jef        417792 Mar  2 20:08 poskbitmaps.update8.tar
buggs		640	400	GIF*	Buggs Bunny on the analyst's couch.
challenger	1152	720	GIF*	A shuttle taking off.
chipmunks	640	350	GIF*	Cartoon chipmunks.
clip_art_39	576	720	HO'P	Random clip-art.
cobra		960	600	GIF*	A snake in the desert.
coyote		640	400	GIF*	Wile E. Coyote.
creationii	1152	678	GIF*	Detail from the Sistine Chapel ceiling.

-rw-r--r--  1 jef        573440 Mar  2 20:08 poskbitmaps.update9.tar
cs9		1152	721	GIF*	Colorado & Southern engine number nine.
daffy		640	400	GIF*	Daffy duck.
desert		960	600	GIF*	A desert scene.
don_daisy	384	350	GIF*	Donald and Daisy Duck.
donaldduck	320	200	GIF*	Donald Duck.
dragon3		960	600	GIF*	A dragon breathing fire.
edwinaldrin	1024	900	GIF*	A famous shot on the moon.
einstein	900	900	GIF*	Albert Einstein.
electrical_eng	1152	900	Sun	An electrical engineer at work.
enterprise	1152	900	???	The starship Enterprise.
eyes2		256	192	???	A pair of eyes in foliage.

-rw-r--r--  1 jef        507904 Mar  2 20:09 poskbitmaps.update10.tar
fantasia	640	400	GIF*	Mickey mouse as a wizard.
garfield2	412	420	GIF*	Another Garfield.
girlorb		960	600	GIF*	A girl looking at an orb.
glass		520	520	GIF*	A glass filled with ice cubes and fluid.
globes/*	256	256	Sun	Thirty globes.
goblinking	960	600	GIF*	The Goblin King, from the Rankin-Bass "Hobbit".
goofy		298	350	GIF*	Goofy.  What is Goofy, anyway?
gwtw		1152	768	GIF*	Scene from Gone With The Wind.
honey		900	900	GIF*	Peter Honeyman.

-rw-r--r--  1 jef        499712 Mar  2 20:09 poskbitmaps.update11.tar
imaginat	314	332	GIF*	A man with a little dragon.
jerry		238	321	HO'P	Jerry Garcia in front of a rose window.
kingtut		1280	800	GIF*	King Tut's mask.
kirk2		593	834	GIF*	Captain Kirk.
kitty		1152	720	GIF*	A kitten.
knight		960	600	GIF*	A high tech knight.
knuth		1152	900	GIF*	Knuth: the man, the legend, the bitmap.
lambda_sig	576	450	HO'P	Lambda Sigma Delta logo.
livingdaylights	562	900	GIF*	James Bond movie poster.

-rw-r--r--  1 jef        589824 Mar  2 20:09 poskbitmaps.update12.tar
london		1067	900	GIF*	A London scene.
lynn		1152	900	GIF*	Lynn Conway?
maxhead		640	400	GIF*	Still more Max Headroom.
maxheadroom	640	400	GIF*	Yet Another Max Headroom.
mendo		320	200	GIF*	A comic character.
mental_freeways	464	280	HO'P	Abstract.
mgr/*		*	*	SDH	221 icons of various sizes from MGR.
mickey4		640	400	GIF*	Yet another Mickey Mouse, as a wizard.
milk		840	580	GIF*	A Doc Edgerton milk-drop strobe shot.
miller		1152	880	GIF*	The Champagne of Beers.

-rw-r--r--  1 jef        458752 Mar  2 20:09 poskbitmaps.update13.tar
model_t		1152	720	GIF*	The Ford model T.
monalisa	780	880	GIF*	Leonardo's Mona Lisa.
monumentvalley	1152	720	GIF*	Magnificent buttes.
moonflag	640	400	GIF*	Old Glory on the moon.
nagel11		588	684	GIF*	A graphic by Patrick Nagel
odie		380	400	GIF*	Odie the salivating dog.
opus_croakus	640	400	GIF*	Opus, during his short-lived career as a Rock God.
owlman		546	480	GIF*	An owl-man.

-rw-r--r--  1 jef        507904 Mar  2 20:09 poskbitmaps.update14.tar
parrot		960	600	GIF*	A parrot.
peace		640	480	GIF*	"Peace On Earth".
picard_yar	960	600	GIF*	Jean-Luc and Tasha.
pinkfld		640	400	GIF*	The postcard from the Dark Side of the Moon LP.
pipe_maze	576	720	HO'P	A maze of plumbing.
plumbing	331	278	HO'P	The parts uses to create pipe_maze.
porsche928	1152	720	GIF*	A Porsche 928.
procession	491	674	HO'P	Escher's "Procession".
reagan4		900	900	GIF*	The Great Communicator.

-rw-r--r--  1 jef        516096 Mar  2 20:09 poskbitmaps.update15.tar
redarrow	960	600	GIF*	Some frogs.
redrock		1152	720	GIF*	A wilderness scene.
rick_hunter	500	400	GIF*	Lt. Rick Hunter, from Macross.
robot		960	600	GIF*	"Warning, Will Robinson!  Danger!"
roger		1152	720	GIF*	Welcome to Toon Town.
sanfrancisco	1152	900	GIF*	San Francisco postcard.

-rw-r--r--  1 jef        548864 Mar  2 20:09 poskbitmaps.update16.tar
sanka		1152	828	GIF*	A Sanka commercial.
saturnV		960	600	GIF*	A Saturn V on the launch pad.
scooby		334	415	GIF*	Scooby-dooby-do!
sea		960	600	GIF*	A sea scene.
slime_mold	488	702	HO'P	Abstract.
software_eng	771	900	Sun*	A bit-juggler.
speedracer	640	400	GIF*	Go, Speed Racer!
spock3		500	392	GIF*	Another Mr. Spock.
spockirk	960	600	GIF*	Spock and Kirk.
thumper		420	390	GIF*	Thumper the rabbit.
toucan		1152	717	GIF*	A toucan.

-rw-r--r--  1 jef        606208 Mar  2 20:09 poskbitmaps.update17.tar
treman		1024	808	???	Treman Falls.
two_fishes	576	576	HO'P	Abstract based on yin-yang.
ucseal		240	229	???	University of California seal.
venus		1152	699	GIF*	Venus on the half-shell.
wesley		1152	900	GIF*	A full-screen image of Wesley Crusher, for your defacing pleasure.
whitedragon	856	900	GIF*	Cover from McCafferey's book.
wizards		540	700	GIF*	From Bakshi's movie.
yogi		640	400	GIF*	Smarter than the average bear.
yuri3		489	644	RPI	A cartoon character.