[comp.graphics] Textbook now available: FUNDAMENTALS OF DATABASE SYSTEMS

anthony@sun1.cs.uh.edu (Anthony M. Baldassarre) (03/10/89)


                       Ramez Elmasri
                   University of Houston

                      Shamkant Navathe
                   University of Florida


                     ISBN 0-8053-0145-3

    300+ drawings & diagrams, hardbound, ~ 800 pp., 1989

       The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.

                           * * *

     Fundamentals of Database Systems  is  the  text  you've
been waiting for. Its balanced coverage of theory and imple-
mentation, logical and physical design, and the major models
is  unique  and  exactly  on target. The authors blend their
extensive knowledge of  database  systems  with  well-chosen
examples  to  create  a  theoretically sound, pragmatic, and
comprehensive  text.  Up-to-date  information  on   emerging
trends  such  as object-oriented and expert database systems
complement the coverage  of  database  theory,  models,  and
design. You won't find a better balanced, more current text!

                           * * *

Fundamentals of Database Systems Strikes the Perfect Balance

> In-Depth  Presentation  of    > Meaningful, Detailed Exam-
Data Models                     ples

     All the key data models         To enhance  the  text's
are  presented in detail and    practical       applicaions,
independently from real sys-    Elmasri  and   Navathe   use
tems.  In  Chapter  3 you'll    information from one realis-
find a thorough yet accessi-    tic  database  in  all   the
ble introduction to the con-    examples.  (The sample data-
ceptually important  entity-    base  tracks  personnel  and
relationship    model.   The    project  information  for  a
implementation models (rela-    large  company.)  The   same
tional,   hierarchical,  and    operations  and  queries are
network) are discussed indi-    repeated for  each  separate
vidually  in  Part  II, with    data  model  and language as
particular emphasis  on  the    they  are  introduced.  This
relational   data model.   A    method   shows   fundamental
unique  comparison  of   the    database system concepts and
models  in  Chapter  12 pro-    eases the process of compar-
vides a  useful  summary  of    ing  the   differences   and
the material.                   similarities   among  models
                                and query languages.
>   Balanced   Coverage   of
Theory and Implementation       > Up-to-Date Coverage

     Elmasri   and   Navathe         You'll  find  the  text
find  the perfect balance in    reflects the latest develop-
their treatment of  database    ments and trends in database
system principles and imple-    systems.   Fundamentals   of
mentation.  For  each  topic    Database  Systems   features
they  first  build  a  clear    in-dept   coverage   of  the
conceptual  framework   annd    relational    data    model;
then   discuss  examples  of    unique   material  comparing
applications and implementa-    and   contrasting   advanced
tion  in detail. This unique    database     modeling    and
approach makes the text edu-    knowledge     representation
cationally  sound, and prac-    systems; and a thorough dis-
tical  as  both  a  teaching    cussion  of  object-oriented
tool and reference.             modeling,  its applications,
                                and implementation.  Part  V
> Modular Organization          focuses    specifically   on
                                emerging  trends   including
     The   authors   present    real  systems,  new applica-
each  topic  separately  and    tions    for     engineering
independently    in    self-    design, and the relationship
contained    chapters.   The    between databases and  logic
result  is  a  pedagogically    programming.
superior text that gives you
maximum    flexibility    in
course   planning;  you  can
tailor the text's topics and
order of presentation to fit
your course.

                           * * *

                     TABLE OF CONTENTS

Part I % Basic Concepts         Part II  %  Database  Models
                                and Languages
Chapter 1  |  Databases  and
Database Users                  Chapter 6  | The  Relational
                                Data   Mode  and  Relational
Chapter 2  |  DBMS  Concepts    Algebra
and Architecture
                                Chapter 7  | SQL -  A  Rela-
Chapter 3  |  Data  Modeling    tional Database Language
Using       the      Entity-
Relationship Model              Chapter 8  | The  Relational
                                Calculus  -  A  Formal Query
Chapter 4  | Record  Storage    Language
and  Primary  File Organiza-
tions                           Chapter 9  |  The  QUEL  and
                                QBE Relational Languages
Chapter 5   |  Index  Struc-
tures for Files                 Chapter 10 | The  Hierarchi-
                                cal Data Model

                                Chapter  11  |  The  Network
                                Data Model

                                Chapter 12 |  Comparison  of
                                Data Models
Part III % Database Design      Part IV % System Implementa-
                                tion Techniques
Chapter  13   |   Functional
Dependencies  and Normaliza-    Chapter  17  |  The   System
tion  for  Relational  Data-    Catalog
                                Chapter 18 | Query  Process-
Chapter  14   |   Relational    ing and Optimization
Database  Design  Algorithms
and Further Dependencies        Chapter 19  |  Transactions,
                                Recovery,   and  Concurrency
Chapter 15 |  Advanced  Data    Control
Modeling    and    Knowledge
Representation Concepts         Chapter 20  |  Security  and
                                Integrity Constraints
Chapter 16 | Overview of the
Database Design Process
Part V % Current  Trends  in    Part VI %  Commercial  Data-
Database Systems                base Systems
Chapter  21  |   Distributed    Chapter  23  |  Examples  of
Databases                       Relational (DB2), Hierarchi-
                                cal (IMS),  Network  (IDMS),
Chapter 22 | Emerging  Data-    and other DBMSs (VBASE)
base    Techonologies    and

                           * * *

                     ABOUT THE AUTHORS

     Ramez Elmasri is  Asso-         Shamkant   Navathe   is
ciate  Professor of Computer    professor  of  Computer  and
Science at the Universiy  of    Information   Sciences   and
Houston.  He holds his Ph.D.    affiliated with the Database
degree in  Computer  Science    Systems     Research     and
from Stanford Universiy. His    Development  Center  at  the
research  interests  include    University  of  Florida   at
distributed   systems,  data    Gainesville. He is known for
modeling      and      query    his work on  dataconversion,
languages,   and  knowledge-    logical   database   design,
based systems. He  is  well-    database  modeling,  distri-
known  for  his  research in    buted  database  allocation,
extending    the     Entity-    and database integration. He
Relationship  model  and  in    has worked with IBM and Sie-
developing the  accompanying    mens in their research divi-
GORDAS query language. Prior    sions and has been a consul-
to joining the University of    tant to  various  companies,
Houston,  he was a principal    including   Honeywell,  CCA,
research    scientist     at    and    Digital.    Professor
Honeywell  Computer Sciences    Navathe  served  as  Program
Center  in   Minnesota.   At    Chairman of  the  1985  ACM-
Honeywell  he  worked on the    SIGMOD International Confer-
design and implementation of    ence on  the  Management  of
a    prototype   distributed    Data,  and  is  an associate
database management  system,    editor of Data and Knowledge
DDTS.                           Engineering  and ACM Comput-
                                ing Surveys.

                           * * *


     "The examples they  use         "I  like  the  arrange-
are  especially informative.    ment, all of the data models
The  book  covers  important    are   gathered   into    one
material   like  data  model    cohesive  part of the book".
mappings   and   has    more    - Julia  Hodges,  University
breadth   than   any   other    of Mississippi.
text". -  Yannis  Ioannidis,
University of Wisconsin.

     "Better level of treat-
ment   of  hierarchical  and
network  models   than   any
other  book".  - Davis Stem-
ple,  University   of   Mas-

                           * * *

                     ORDER INFORMATION

     Available now from:

	The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.
	390 Bridge Parkway
	Redwood City, CA 94065

	Call toll free 1-800-950-BOOK

% % %

  Anthony M. Baldassarre (anthony@cs.uh.edu)
  Department of Computer Science
  University of Houston