[comp.graphics] short summary on topographic data

heberlei@iris.ucdavis.edu (Todd) (03/11/89)

This is a summary of some of the stuff I have acquired so far
concerning topographic data:

* First it is topographic, not topological.  Fortunately everyone that
responded knew what I was asking, and I thank them for their help (as
well as correcting me).

* I have only found one computer with this data on it for anonymous ftp;
it is panarea.usc.edu  If anyone knows of any more sites, please drop
me a line. (I am slowly going through comp.archives looking for more)

* I am presently trying to find out how to read the data.  There is a
program on panarea named cnvmap.c which reads one of the data formats.
I have also asked the USGS to send me some information.  They can be
found at:
	National Cartographic Information Center
	U. S. Geological Survey
	507 National Center
	Reston, VA   22092

	(703) 860-6045

The USGS charges for their Digital Elevation Model (DEM) maps, so I am
very interested in finding other sources (like panarea).

* Finally, does anyone know how NASA keeps its topographic data and if
its available to the public (or researchers).  I have seen clips for
"Mars the Movie", "Miranda the Movie", and "LA the Movie".  I would
love to be able to create some still pictures.

Any help would be very much appreciated!
And thanks to the people who have already responded!

Todd Heberlein