[net.cooks] THE ORIGINAL Tollhouse Cookie Recipe

plm@wdl1.UUCP (plm ) (06/15/84)

wdl1!plm    Jun 15 10:28:00 1984


The original tollhouse choc. chip cookie comes for Toll House, a 
small inn in Whitman, Mass.  This recipe is from their book-
Toll House, Tried and True Recipes, by Ruth Graves Wakefield.

Toll House Chocolate Crunch Cookies 

1 c. butter
3/4 c. brown sugar
3/4 c. white sugar
2 beaten eggs
1 t. baking soda, dissolved in 1 t. hot water
2 1/4 c. sifted flour
1 t. salt
1 c. chopped nuts
2 pkg Nestle's semisweet choc. morsels
1 t. vanilla

Cream butter.  Add brown sugar, white sugar and eggs.  Add the soda/water
mixture alternately with the flour and salt.  Add the nuts and chocolate
chips.  Add the vanilla.  (This seems like an unconventional order but it

Drop by half teaspoonfuls onto a greased cooky sheet.  Bake in 375 degree
oven for 10-12 minutes.

At Toll House, the dough is chilled overnight before baking.  When the
mixture is ready for baking, they rolled a teaspoon of the dough in their
hands (into a ball) before putting on the cooky sheet.  Then they
pressed the balls down to form falt rounds.  This way the cookies do
not spread as much in the baking and they keep uniformly round.
They should be brown through and crispy.

dsmith@uiucuxc.UUCP (06/19/84)

uiucuxc!dsmith    Jun 19 09:37:00 1984

An interesting variation to this recipe:  soak the chopped nuts in
Grand Marnier for awhile before mixing.