[comp.graphics] contour plotting -- degenerate cell disambiguation

aramini@apollo.COM (Michael Aramini) (03/15/89)

I thought about the problem of degenerate cell disambiguation
some more.  I came up with an equivalent, but much simpler
to compute, way of disambiguating degenerate cells:

    IF y[left] < y[right] THEN BEGIN
       Connect left and bottom intersection points;
       Connect right and top intersection points;
    ELSE IF y[left] = y[right] THEN BEGIN
       Connect left and right intersection points;
       Connect top and bottom intersection points;
    ELSE BEGIN  (* y[left] > y[right] *)
       Connect left and top intersection points;
       Connect right and bottom intersection points;

To intuitively see why this works, consider that the following can be shown

    y[left] < y[right]  if and only if  x[bottom] < x[top]

    y[left] = y[right]  if and only if  x[bottom] = x[top]

    y[left] > y[right]  if and only if  x[bottom] > x[top]

In light of that, there are only six possible cases to consider, as represented
by the following diagrams:

+++0-----     ++++0----     +++++0---     ---0+++++     ----0++++     -----0+++
+ /     -     +   |   -     +     \ -     - /     +     -   |   +     -     \ +
+/      -     +   |   -     +      \-     -/      +     -   |   +     -      \+
0       -     +   |   -     +       0     0       +     -   |   +     -       0
-   -   -     0___0___0     +   +   +     +   +   +     0___0___0     -   -   -
-       0     -   |   +     0       +     +       0     +   |   -     0       -
-      /+     -   |   +     -\      +     +      /-     +   |   -     +\      -
-     / +     -   |   +     - \     +     +     / -     +   |   -     + \     -
-----0+++     ----0++++     ---0+++++     +++++0---     ++++0----     +++0-----

+  means  f(x,y) > h
0  means  f(x,y) = h
-  means  f(x,y) < =
/,\,|,_  mean line segments to be plotted

Too bad I didn't think of this simplification 8 years ago when I wrote my master's

-Michael Aramini