[comp.graphics] wanted - SIGGRAPH slide set descriptions

foo@titan.rice.edu (Mark Hall) (05/05/89)

   Hello All, 

     Every year SIGGRAPH puts out slide sets at the yearly 
   conference. Sometime later the descriptions of the slides
   appear in "Computer Graphics". Does anyone have these 
   descriptions online? I want to have a file I can search 
   through instead of having to look through several thousand
   pictures when I make up a presentation. It would be nice 
   to be able to 

            grep -i NYIT picture.descriptions

            grep -i teapot picture.descriptions

   (list all descriptions having the keywords "NYIT" or "teapot")

   I will probably create such a file someday if it does 
   not already exist. 

   BTW is there any way to get copies of the older slide sets? I 
   need pre-1979 and 1980-1982.  SIGGRAPH sold several years' worth
   at a show a few years ago. Is there any chance that even older 
   sets could be reprinted? 

   - mark

   PS.  PLEASE do not post "ME TOO" articles! If someone asks 
       "Is there a free {UNIX/Pascal-to-C translator/wonderful something}?"
       and you want one too, write the poster directly. 

herzog@dogwalk.Sun.COM (Brian Herzog, Sun Microsystems, GPD) (05/05/89)

In article <3221@kalliope.rice.edu>, foo@titan.rice.edu (Mark Hall) writes:
>    [...]
>    BTW is there any way to get copies of the older slide sets? I 
>    need pre-1979 and 1980-1982.  SIGGRAPH sold several years' worth
>    at a show a few years ago. Is there any chance that even older 
>    sets could be reprinted? 
>    - mark

ACM sells SIGGRAPH slide sets, Proceedings and video reviews.  Video 
review issues all the way back to Issue 1 are still available; I'm not 
sure how far back the slide sets and Proceedings go.

ACM Order Department
PO Box 64145
Baltimore, MD 21264
(800) 342-6626
(301) 528-4261 (Maryland, Alaska, Hawaii, and outside the U.S.)

Video reviews going back a year or so are available at the SIGGRAPH
conference, in the registration/materials area (on the third floor of 
the Hynes Convention Center).  The issues that will be available this 
year are (tentatively) Issues 26-43.

Selected SIGGRAPH slide sets, Proceedings and video reviews from past 
years are also available at the conference, at the ACM booth (on the 
first floor of the Hynes Convention Center, fairly near the main entrance.)

-Brian Herzog

P.S. The SIGGRAPH '89 advance program is at the printers and is scheduled 
     to be mailed the week of May 15.
P.P.S. To Mark Paul: Yes, you're on the mailing list for the program
     (sorry, I inadvertantly deleted your email address).