[comp.graphics] CALL TO VOTE: an imaging newsgroup

james@rover.bsd.uchicago.edu (05/09/89)

(The following is only slightly different from my original postings):

I  would like to call for a VOTE on formation of a Medical Physics 
newsgroup (Sci.Med.Physics), which would deal with most applications of 
Physics in Medicine.  The discussions covered by this group, will include
(but not be limited to):

Basic interactions of radiation with matter
"                                  " living systems

Methods of Generating diagnostic information:

	NMR (MRI) imaging systems
	CT (computed tomography)
	Projection Radiography (including angiography and the new MEGAVOLTAGE
	imaging systems in Radiation therapy, as well as computed Radiography)
	Nuclear medicine imaging systems (eg. Gamma Camera, PET, SPECT,...)
	Electrical Impedence Tomography
	Computer aided diagnosis
	Image communication
	All fields of analysis applied to medical images
	So on

Methods used in Radiation therapy, including:

	Simulation and verification methods
	2D and 3D treatment planning
	Electrons, protons and assorted heavy ions
	Neutron therapy
	Quality assurance
	Monoclonal Antibody imaging/treatment methods

Biophysics and Biomechanics

Please send YES votes to james@rover.uchicago.edu (just reply to this message)

Please send NO votes to roeske@rover.uchicago.edu

Thank you for your attention.


James Balter
"If the hat fits, slice it!"