[comp.graphics] Graphics Conversion Software

srb@beta.lanl.gov ( Steve Berger ) (06/12/89)

I'm interested in finding a software package that will convert

.PCX or .TIFF files to an HPGL or .DXF file that can be imported
into a CAD package.

Does such a thing exist?  If so, is anyone out there using one?

Any info is appreciated.

Steve Berger


hjp@bambam.bedrock.com (Howard J. Postley) (06/14/89)

In article <26074@beta.lanl.gov>, srb@beta.lanl.gov ( Steve Berger ) writes:
| I'm interested in finding a software package that will convert
| .PCX or .TIFF files to an HPGL or .DXF file that can be imported
| into a CAD package.
| Does such a thing exist?  If so, is anyone out there using one?
| Any info is appreciated.
| Steve Berger
| srb@lanl.gov

There is a new product from a company in Georgia call TerraVision which
makes a product which will do raster to vector and some other pretty
neat conversions, on a PC. The package is available from a company in
Santa Monica, CA called Harvard Systems.


Howard Postley            internet: hjp@bambam.bedrock.com        
Ideal Point, Inc.     uucpnet: uunet!bambam!hjp
                  phonenet:  +1 215 578 6901
              uspsnet:   13428 Maxella Av  M/S 236; Marina del Rey, CA 90292

josef@ugun13.UUCP (06/15/89)

 > .PCX or .TIFF files to an HPGL or .DXF file that can be imported
   ^^^^			     ^^^^

I have written a set of programs that convert a .PCX file into a text-file
(4 lines for each scan line -> RGBI) and then convert this file into
an HP-LaserJet printable file (I lines only).

Would this suit You?

		Josef Moellers

	paper mail:			e-mail:
c/o Nixdorf Computer AG		USA:  uunet!linus!nixbur!mollers.pad
Abt. DX-SC 1			!USA: mcvax!unido!nixpbe!mollers.pad
Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring			Phone:
D-4790 Paderborn		(+49) 5251 104691
| "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life.	|
|  Can You give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out	|
|  death in judgement"							|
|			Gandalf to Frodo in "The Fellowship of the Ring"|