(Stephen D Hawley) (07/03/89)
Available from Bellcore (send mail to is a window manager called mgr. Mgr is small, solid, easy to use/learn, fast and works well over networks. All graphics I/O is done via escape codes, with primitives for doing all manner of window manipulation, bit-blitting, etc. Executables are tiny because they need only a very small set of primitives to run locally (everything else comes from standard i/o). Source code comes with it, and versions are available that run on Suns and Dec 3100's. Mgr's weaknesses are: 1) it is founded on a graphical base that is not strongly defined 2) Color is poorly supported 3) the speed of the i/o stream is a bottleneck, macking interactive programs slow. All of the above CAN be programmed around, but it is a task that is not for the faint of heart. Steve Hawley