[comp.graphics] Circle Through 3 Points

mccaugh@s.cs.uiuc.edu (08/11/89)

 More should be said about point 3 (all points being collinear (co-linear?)):

 Even when m1 <> m2, if these two slopes are "very close" a "very large" radius
 is called for, which may force the circle's center (s,t) outside the viewing
 area. For that matter, overflow can occur in the divisions of succeeding steps
 computing s and t. Therefore, it is prudent to check for m1 "close to" m2 as
 well as for equality, though "closeness" is relative to the user's system.

mccaugh@s.cs.uiuc.edu (08/11/89)

 Re: the request for an algorithm to obtain the circle passing through 3 given
     points A = (x1,y1);   B = (x2,y2);   C = (x3,y3):

     1. points of intersection between perpendicular-bisectors and sides are:

        u1  =  (x1 + x2)/2;      v1  =  (y1 + y2)/2;     (lies on side AB)
        u2  =  (x2 + x3)/2;      v2  =  (y2 + y3)/2;     (lies on side BC)

     2. slopes of the 2 perpendicular-bisectors (to sides AB and BC) are:

        m1  =  -(x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1);       m2  =  -(x3 - x2)/(y3 - y2)

     3. If m1 = m2, then the 3 points are collinear. Otherwise:

     4. Slope-Intercept Equations of the 2 perpendicular-bisectors are:

        t  =  m1*s - (m1*u1 - v1);      t  =  m2*s - (m2*u2 - v2)

        where common point of their intersection = (s,t) is the center
        of the desired circle;

    5. Solving for s,t:

       s  =  (m1*u1 - m2*u2 - (v1 - v2))/(m1 - m2);
       t  =  (m1*m2*(u1 - u2) + m1*v2 - m2*v1)/(m1 - m2)

    6. Then the radius r is obtained from:

       s_x1  =  s - x1;       t_y1  =  t - y1;

       r  =  sqrt(s_x1*s_x1 + t_y1*t_y1)

    7. Finally, return center (s,t) and radius r.

mccaugh@s.cs.uiuc.edu (08/13/89)

 Re: the request for an algorithm to obtain the circle passing through 3 given
     points A = (x1,y1);   B = (x2,y2);   C = (x3,y3):

 Following is one possible solution programmed in PASCAL:

 (* assuming:  TYPE  point = RECORD  x,y: real  END{point};   *)
 (* assuming:  neither line-segments AB nor BC are horizontal *)

 PROCEDURE  EnCircle (A,B,C:point;  VAR error:Boolean);
                     (* error = True iff can not do *)
       VAR  x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3, (* 3 given points to encircle *)
            u1,v1, u2,v2,  (* intersections with _|_ bisectors *)
                   m1,m2:  (* slopes of _|_ bisectors *)
                  s,t, r:  word; (* graphic coordinates of center and radius *)
                   error:  Boolean;


        error := False;  (* until infinite radius or out-of-bounds *)
        x1 := A.x;   y1 := A.y;
        x2 := B.x;   y2 := B.y;
        x3 := C.x;   y3 := C.y;

     (* points of intersection between perpendicular-bisectors and sides *)

        u1 := (x1 + x2)*0.5;    v1 := (y1 + y2)*0.5;   (*lies on side AB*)
        u2 := (x2 + x3)*0.5;    v2 := (y2 + y3)*0.5;   (*lies on side BC*)

     (* slopes of the 2 perpendicular-bisectors (to sides AB and BC) *)
     (* by 2nd assumption, y1 <> y2 and y2 <> y3 => no division by 0 *)

        m1  :=  -(x2 - x1)/(y2 - y1);     m2  :=  -(x3 - x2)/(y3 - y2);

     (* m1 = m2 implies the 3 points are collinear *)

        IF  m1 = m2  THEN  error := True  (* i.e., infinite radius *)
        ELSE BEGIN
             (* common point of intersection (s,t) = center of circle *)
                s  :=  Round( (m1*u1 - m2*u2 - (v1 - v2))/(m1 - m2) );
                t  :=  Round( (m1*m2*(u1 - u2) + m1*v2 - m2*v1)/(m1 - m2) );
             (* then the radius r is obtained from: *)
                r  :=  Round( Sqrt(Sqr(s-x1) + Sqr(t-y1)) );
             (* ready to plot the circle through points A,B,C: *)
                IF  (MIN_X <= s-r) AND (s+r <= MAX_X) AND
                    (MIN_Y <= t-r) AND (t+r <= MIN_Y) THEN
                ELSE  error := True


sprague@hpfcda.HP.COM (Fred Sprague) (08/14/89)

Nice algorythm for a circle passing through 3 points.

   Now do you have an equation for a circle/arc passing through 3 points
   in 3D space?

   Answer must be in terms that will allow drawing the circle/arc 
   (in "n" small segments ) from point 1 through point 2 to point 3.

   I'm no math expert, but I've tried this problem several times
   and still have not come up with the kind of answer I'm looking for.