[comp.graphics] Voyager Pictures moved to another machine

joe@hanauma (Joe Dellinger) (08/29/89)

	Arg! I didn't know what I was letting myself in for on this one.
I posted on Sunday around noon, and got a steady stream of connections from
the US and Canada all afternoon. Then as Europe got up on their Monday
morning we started to get mostly connections from the UK, France, and the
Netherlands. No problem so far. But Monday morning! Yow! We got absolutely
inundated with anonymous ftp connections, all grabbing the Neptune pictures.
The ftp-load kept increasing and increasing, until it reached the point where
we had at least 10 ftpd processes running all the time.

	Needless to say, while I was thrilled to see how popular Voyager was,
the other users of the computer were NOT pleased with me. I was ordered to
pull the plug...

	But all is not lost! The Voyager pictures which were formerly
available on hanauma.stanford.edu are now available on

mazama.stanford.edu (IP address
^^^^^^                                  ^

	The people who normally use this machine are on vacation, so
they aren't here to complain! Hah! To keep the Stanford Network people
from complaining, you might want to also limit your ftping to outside
normal work hours, Pacific Daylight Time (7 hours behind GMT).

	Since I'm getting a flood of questions "we tried to connect to
Hanauma but were refused, what are we doing wrong" please excuse me for
not answering such questions. I'm also going to have to stop answering
questions from people who want to plot the pictures but think it is
easier to send me mail asking about the format than reading the README
file provided.

	If you want me to actually MAIL you the pictures, you are going
to have to convince me you want them so much you will be permanently
emotionally scarred if you don't get them. :-) Alternatively, send me
a useful public-domain generic graphics utility subroutine for my collection.
I'm really busy these days, and this has turned out to be much more of a
time sink than I counted on already.

	I'll turn on Hanauma's anon ftp account again in a week or so,
once the floodwaters have receded. (Hanauma has some other nice things
available besides the Neptune pictures.)

	Share and Enjoy.
\    /\    /\    /\/\/\/\/\/\/\.-.-.-.-.......___________
 \  /  \  /  \  /Dept of Geophysics, Stanford University \/\/\.-.-....___
  \/    \/    \/Joe Dellinger joe@hanauma.stanford.edu  apple!hanauma!joe\/\.-._