[comp.graphics] precise lines from integral endpoints?

scott@tekcrl.LABS.TEK.COM (Scott Huddleston) (09/27/89)

I'd like to draw lines between endpoints known to subpixel accuracy,
using calls to a Line primitive limited to integral endpoints.  E.g.,
given X and Y to high precision, I want to find a set of calls
Line(x0,y0), Line(x1,y1), ... , Line(xn,yn) for integers x0...xn and
y0...yn which pixellate the same pixels that a high precision Bresenham
algorithm would draw for PreciseLine(X,Y).  So my question is about
selecting endpoints for discrete-pixel lines, not about anti-aliasing.

More generally, I'd also like to draw curves of low curvature with
calls to an integral line primitive which simulate calls to a
high precision line primitive.

Have these problems been investigated?  Solved?  I'd appreciate
solutions and/or references.  I'll summarize and post to the net
any e-mail info that isn't already posted.
Scott Huddleston
testing the semantics of the ".signature" file