[comp.graphics] Graphics and Parallelism talks, Oct 10 and 16

wm@ogccse.ogc.edu (Wm Leler) (10/05/89)

ParaGraph Colloquia Series on Parallelism and Computer Graphics

The Portland area has one of the highest concentrations of companies
working on parallelism in the world, and also a long history and
a large number of companies working on computer generated graphics.
Unfortunately, there is very little interaction between these two
groups, even though the combination of parallelism and computer
graphics is one of the hottest emerging markets in the industry
(at the recent SIGGRAPH conference, the tutorial on parallelism
and computer graphics was the most heavily attended at the conference,
and there were several panel sessions and papers on this topic).

To help rectify this situation, local government, educational and
commercial organizations are putting on a series of colloquia featuring
leading researchers in this field.  Speakers who will be giving
colloquia include Frank Crow, Gary Demos, Jeff Mock, Richard Weinberg,
Scott Whitman, Turner Whitted, and others.  The series will cover both
hardware and software aspects of the use of parallelism for computer
graphics, including the following:

 The range of parallel graphics hardware, from conventional parallel
 machines -- such as the PIXAR transputer-based image computer, designed
 by Jeff Mock, which implements the RenderMan graphics language -- to
 esoteric designs such as Henry Fuchs' Pixel-Planes renderer, which
 incorporates a processor with each pixel on the screen.

 Advanced parallel graphics algorithms such as ray tracing, invented by
 Turner Whitted, and radiosity, developed by Don Greenberg and others at
 Cornell University.

 Experiences using parallel computers for computer graphics including
 the Ardent Titan, used by Richard Weinberg for scientific
 visualization; the Cray supercomputer, used by Gary Demos to produce
 animation sequences for movies such as "The Last Starfighter"; the
 Connection Machine, used by Frank Crow; and the BBN Butterfly, used by
 Scott Whitman.

The announcements for the first two talks follow:


Massively Parallel Processing for Graphics

Franklin C. Crow
Xerox PARC

Many architectures and algorithms have been proposed for applying
massively parallel methods to computer graphics.  In recent years the
onrush of technology has stampeded those of us who like to think about
such things from the realms of fantasy and wishful thinking to the
realm of the actually possible.  A few massively parallel graphics
systems have now actually been implemented.  We can expect to see many
more very soon.

Can we really expect to attain, through parallel systems, the six
orders of magnitude speedup necessary to produce today's most expensive
imagery in real time?  Answers may lie in looking at some current
approaches to massive parallelism in graphics and the bottlenecks they
leave.  It will also help to look carefully at what is required to make
images and how information must flow from shape descriptions to


Franklin C. Crow received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the
University of Utah.  His thesis was the first major treatment of the
problem of aliasing in computer generated imagery.  He subsequently
taught for 4 years at the University of Texas (Austin) and 3 years at
Ohio State University, where he was granted tenure.  During his
academic career, Crow did considerable consulting in the entertainment
industry, where he helped bring realistic synthetic imagery to mass
media.  He then joined Xerox as a Member of the Research Staff at
PARC.  Since joining Xerox, he has maintained academic connections by
serving on dissertation committees at various universities and
lecturing at Stanford University and at conference tutorials.
Providing the technological basis for exploitation of advanced computer
imagery has been Crow's primary focus.  Since joining Xerox, he has
continued to pursue his interest in integrating software and hardware
in the design of graphical systems.

Tuesday, 10 October 1989
10:30-11:45 a.m.
Room 123 (OCATE CASE Room)
19500 NW Gibbs Drive 
Portland, Oregon 97006
behind the OGC CS building in the OGC Science Park

Sponsored by OCATE, OACIS, OGC, and Cogent Research.

Gigaflop Graphics
Gary Demos
Computer graphics power is about to make a dramatic increase.  This is
due to several trends:  the increase in processing speed of
microprocessors through the use of RISC technology, the expansion of
computer color systems from 8 or less bits to 24 bits per pixel, and
the high density and level of integration of the new generation of
integrated circuits, combining a complete processor with high
performance floating point and a small cache onto a single chip.  The
first of what is expected to be many example of this is the Intel
i860.  Other manufacturers, such as MIPS and others, are expected to
come out with similar high performance chips in the very near future.
The last major trend in computing is the advent of massively parallel
assemblies of these types of computing cells.  Systems with computing
power in the range of hundreds of Gigaflops will be possible in the
early 90's.

This talk will discuss Demos' experiences with the Cray 1, Cray XMP,
Ardent Titan, and Thinking Machines Connection Machine II.  The talk
will survey the uses of high resolution digitally-produced imagery, as
applied to entertainment, theme park, medical imagery, industrial
design, fashion design, textile design, scientific research, and
general engineering uses, and the coming of HDTV.


Gary Demos received his Ph.D. from Cal Tech in 1971.  While at Evans &
Sutherland he helped develop the first random access frame buffer.  In
1975 Demos joined Information International, Inc. using their precision
film recorders and a custom 1000 line frame buffer to produce animation
for such movies as "Futureworld", "Looker", and "Tron".  In 1981, he
and John Whitney, Jr. founded Digital Productions, where they became
known as the people using a Cray XMP as a personal computer, producing
graphics for such movies as "The Last Starfighter", "2010", and
"Labyrinth".  In 1984, Demos received the Academy Scientific and
Engineering Award "For the practical simulation of motion picture
photography by means of computer-generated images".  In 1986, he helped
found Whitney/Demos Productions, making extensive use of a Connection
Machine II to produce graphics.  In 1988 he founded DemoGraFX, doing
consulting on a number of projects, including a machine with
performance in the Teraflop range.

Monday, 16 October 1989
7:00-9:00 p.m.
Room 123 (OCATE CASE Room)
19500 NW Gibbs Drive 
Portland, Oregon 97006
behind the OGC CS building in the OGC Science Park

Sponsored by OCATE, OACIS, OGC, Intel, and Cogent Research.